Generate Same Camera Views from Two Different Plans???


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Hey folks! I have two plans created to give our client options.  I'm attempting to create two front elevation views that position the camera and the screen in the same location and I can't get it exact, is there a way to do this that isn't manual?   Edit Active View >Positioning >X Position: 531 7/16" >Y Position: -2925 5/8" is the same for both cameras in each plan.  My problem is getting the vertical and horizontal drag bars in the right position.  I'm trying manually but I can't get them exact.  I've attached images it's difficult to see that they are not exact but if I click the tabs in chief architect I can see that they are not in the same location on the screen.  I'm trying to keep this simple for the client as we move back and forth so they only see the changes in the window locations.  Right now there is movement because the two elevations are not placed at the same location on my screen. When I move from tab to tab it almost looks like the elevation is moving and it is very distracting because you focus on the movement.



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