How to isolate different on center framing areas


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I have a plan I'm working on that is using TJI-210's at 19.2" (aka 19 3/16" or 1'-7 3/16") on center.  But I have an area on the back side of a middle bearing wall where I need the TJI's to be 16" on center.  When I tell my joist direction line in this area to be 16" on center, a caution triangle appears over all bearing lines front/rear of the middle wall to the left (not to the right???)


The joists in that area remain become 19 1/4" (no longer 19 3/16") with the bearing line saying 16" oc.

AND the joists in front of the middle beam are now 17-15/16" with bearing saying 19 3/16" oc.


The red circle is the area I need to be 16" oc.

The blue circles are the highlighting the mistakes.


ON A SIDE NOTE, I have a middle beam over a doorway that is in line with the joists.

When it is 4-1/4" wide it shows correctly with the joists flush to either side.



But the wall it is over is 4" wide.  And when the beam is 4" the back joists automatically create a tiny overlap that is separate from the joist itself.  


.This isn't a big deal, but it is maddening.


I can work around both problems after turning off automatic framing, but would like know if automatically addressing it is possible. .  .


Any advice would be appreciated.

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What do the caution symbols say?  I'm guessing that it says something about having joist direction lines in the same platform.  You might be able to get what you want by drawing bearing lines to split up the platform and then the joist direction lines might work.


If that doesn't help, you should probably post the plan.



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DB, I guess the last sentence of the caution symbol message was my answer.

  • "There are Joist Direction Lines with different build specifications within this platform, unable to determine which line should be used.  Either delete the extra lines or open the lines for specification and ensure each field in the Floor Joists Panel are the same for each line."


I'd already boxed out that area with bearing lines to try and isolate it like I would a cantilever.  However, I read the help file a little more extensively last night and I think my problem is the 7' x.19' area I need 16oc is over a 15' x 21' kitchen - meaning it's not entirely contained within a single room below it.  And the remainder of the kitchen is further divided with trusses over part of it. And 2nd deck 19.2" oc over the rest of it.


I decided to keep the 19.2"oc spacing uniform and added another joist (on a copy of Joist layer named "Framing, Floor Joists DBLRS") beside every other joist.  Doubling every other one gives me the strength I need to using the TJI-210's spanning 19'.  This leaves space for tub drain, toilet flange, and HVAC. Here's the images w/ trusses turned on.



I change the material for my beams and for those doubler joists so that I can see them better.  The colored truss is a carrier for the floor beam (carrying both 2nd floor deck and 1st/2nd floor truss loads.)  


All accomplished with automatic framing still turned on.  Thus far the only framing I need to manually clean up is the stair hole on the other side of the house.  Below the back header circled in blue needs raised to min. 7' above the stair nosings.



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