Crash and missing toolbars


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I've been having some trouble with CA recently and trying to pinpoint the problem.  I have a large file that is crashing my computer.  Once I was able to restart it I lost my toolbars, resetting has not worked nor has uninstalling and reinstalling the program.  I'm at a loss if anyone has any ideas? 


I can open the file I can create an orthographic view and make changes but I can't even migrate between floors in plan view.  I am stuck on the second floor when I open the plan.  This is a new one for me....?

Failed to load toolbars.PNG

No toolbars.PNG

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You're in the right location. 


What you may want to try on the Chief menu is look for Tools----> then navigate to Toolbars


This is where you can "Import" one of those, and hopefully it's good to go. 


If the imported toolbar works, then "Remove" the one that isn't functioning as it should. 


As a safeguard (in preempting the next crash)... make a Copy of the good toolbar. 


The switch over to the "copy" is much easier in case one of them may lose functionally again. 


As you can see, I've got a stockpile of backups which were named SAVE. 


It happens to many of us, and the best option is to have a spare tire for when the road gets bumpy. 


All the best.


....BTW... if the program is crashing... how many 3d objects might be in the plan, and are they high surface counts? 




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Thank you, I am a big fan of the spare tire...


I was actually able restore it by resetting toolbars which was located in preferences.  It solves my immediate problem and I am still working on the diagnostics of the wicked hard crashes.  No warning, just total "control alt delete" hard shut off to reboot and sometimes multiple attempts to get it to restart.  I found the event viewer but I cannot make out what is causing the issue yet.



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Sounds great. 


It wasn't clear to me if resetting the tool bars may delete a custom option. 


Meaning a reset to factory defaults. 


Some users have developed such a highly personalized toolbar that the thought of a reset seems daunting. 


With regard to the crashing... a suggestion... Take an archived plan and try deleting things. 


Namely large 3d objects. Things with high surface counts can place a load on the program. 


As the plan file gets pared down you may discover the cause behind the freeze ups. 

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