Remnants / Artifacts when deleting doors and walls.


Go to solution Solved by JiAngelo,

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I have never seen something like that happen that wasn't something you did to cause it.  Do you have reference display turned on?  Did you import a picture or cad file of a plan and are then drawing on top of it?  If it is not one of these obvious things, then you should post the plan and I bet someone can figure it out quickly.


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  • Solution

You have a bunch of dashed cad lines drawn on multiple layers.  It's like you imported a dxf of another chief file.  Those lines exist on Layers "windows", "doors", "walls, normal", "walls, foundation", etc...

  • Change Layer set to "All layers OFF"
  • Turn on Layers "WIndows" and "Doors" -  now you can easily select those.  (you can't see the real windows and doors unless the wall layer is also turned on.)
  • Turn those layers off
  • Turn on Layer "Walls, Foundation" - again you can easily see a lot of dotted lines that exist on that layer.
  • Turn that layer off
  • Turn on "Walls, Normal" - try and select a dotted line and the wall gets selected first.  Select next and you now can delete that solid line.  Unfortunately you would have to do this for every line.  Another approach is to window select the dotted lines, then press CNTRL and deselect the wall itself.  Now you can delete a group of dotted lines at once.

Next time you import something like this, select all and move all those cad lines to a single layer, like "Walls, Existing", and you will have more control.  You can turn the layer off when you don't want to see them, or create a Layer Set that only has that layer turned on and then you can quickly flip to that view, delete the lines you no longer want, then flip back to your working layer view. 

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Wow! It worked! I can finally select things without endlessly selecting nonsense artifacts!

Interestingly, I've actually never really imported anything. The exception is when i first installed CA It brought over my Home Designer files (detuned product from same company) That must have been the culprit.




I will do this!

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