Framing Cut Sheets and other Technicalities


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I know most people are great with renders and imagery.......I'm not.  

I actually try to avoid the rendering world unless it is requested and paid for.

I'm that clueless. ;)


What I enjoy doing is to provide framing details to help understand and frame the structure.

It started with me as a framer, on my own projects.  Like snapping/popping out a rake wall on the floor and measuring the pieces - so 80s.  

Or running a calculator to figure (and fat finger) things out.  Then it slowly grew to building entire homes in a warehouse in TN.


Chief is pretty good.....not automated, but as a 100% manual CAD option.

I throw in AC LT and SketchUp to make sure things work.

I now have a couple builders who want and pay for this level of understanding.


Recently I was shown a way to do a gable overhang from a retired Canadian framer.  

We will be doing that right after Christmas.

I'll include some pictures.


If you are in need of such info, just reach out to me.


Take care

CleanShot 2024-12-24 at 10.03.29.png

CleanShot 2024-12-23 at 20.25.04.png

CleanShot 2024-12-24 at 10.51.25.png

CleanShot 2024-12-24 at 10.54.15.png


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Nice work! Just wanted to mention that if you intend to use your 'Neal Overhang' for Canadian codes, you'll need to adjust the detail to allow for 2.5" (63mm) of clearance between top-of-insulation and underside-of-sheathing for insulated and vented roof assemblies.

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