Bounding box x15 or 16 issue


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Setting a valance as a cabinet door. Need it to extend 3/4" on each side of the cabinet. Works fine IF the cabinet is the same size that the symbol started as-(30" cabient and 30" symbol.) 

However it the cabinet size is changed the amount of the extension changes. I've tried every variation of stretch planes and zones. Have also tried to check the box to update if symbol geometry changes but that regularly unchecks itself. Plan and image attached showing 4 cabinets all with the same symbol. Maybe @Renerabbitt knows?307428010_Elevationwithdims.thumb.png.5fd06d88ff8e28b004654c646fab36e2.png

Bounding Box issue.zipFetching info...

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  On 12/9/2024 at 8:43 PM, MarkMc said:

Maybe @Renerabbitt knows?


Its a known issue since all the way back to x16 beta 1. I have been the ONLY person to report it and I've reported it several times now. It only occurs when you have a negative bounding box spacing AND a stretch plan/stretch zone.
Its a big bummer for me as it has rendered many of my tools useless.
Back in public Beta, you could build it in X14 and import it into x16 and it would work. not sure anymore if that still works

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  On 12/10/2024 at 12:33 AM, Renerabbitt said:

X14 and import it into x16 and it would work. not sure anymore if that still works


Had tried that, neither importing the symbol or copy paste a cabinet from 14 to 16 does NOT work. Issue is same in X15. I did not have a lot of time for 16 beta last year. I called and sent it in. 


Another symbol issue I ran into in 16 is direction of left and right symbols. It had been that when viewing a symbol that was left facing when inserted into a cabinet it would insert as right facing. That partly changed in 16. If placed as a side panel inset it goes in the way it appears. I had to change all of my beaded symbols and cabinets, fix the plans and send to everyone I had sold them to.  OTOH when placed as a cabinet door it places reversed same as it always did. I'd don't care if it reverses or does not but would really prefer it was one or the other.



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