Glass wall cuts crown.


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Hello, does anyone know if there is a way to make a glass wall, not leave a gap in the crown molding? Honestly, I have gotten to the point where I am manually drawing most of my millwork, but I thought I would ask about the crown specifically when using a glass wall, thanks!

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A picture or plan would help.  


I assume that your glass wall is actually lower than your crown molding.  If you manually pull the top of the glass wall down, I think it will always cut the moldings even though I don't think it should.  If you make it a solid railing instead and then set the railing height, then it won't cut them.  You could also make it "no room def" but this can have other side effects.


As for using manual moldings, I like to always start with the auto moldings.  You can make the room "no room def" and then use the "make room molding" tool so that you don't have to actually draw it.  In your case, that might be all you need to do.


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