Material list for wall base


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I have a 17400 sq ft office building single floor & was asked to calculate the base board length needed.

Not having any experience with the material list function I ran a list for All Floors and the base is not included.

So there must be to have the base included, right?


Or is there a simpler way to get the total length f baseboards in the building.

BTW The toilet rooms will not get baseboards


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  • Solution
7 minutes ago, ACADuser said:

I have a 17400 sq ft office building single floor & was asked to calculate the base board length needed.

Not having any experience with the material list function I ran a list for All Floors and the base is not included.

So there must be to have the base included, right?


Or is there a simpler way to get the total length f baseboards in the building.

BTW The toilet rooms will not get baseboards


If you have a room that does not need baseboards, just open up the room and remove the baseboard trim profile under the Mouldings Header. For the rooms that you want the baseboard to count on a materials list: 1) include a baseboard profile under the Mouldings Header, 2) go into the Components Header and select baseboard, 3) choose an ID such as Interior Trim, 4) take a peak at the way it will be measured under the Count, such as LFT, 5) go to your Material List Default and make sure that you include your ID (Interior Trim), as well as the column Count.
It should show up for you in a materials list.



Room Spec.png

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