Topo Survey to Terrian


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I cannot seem to get my topo survey to generate a accurate or usable terrain. I believe that all of the elevation data is on the 0_ but maybe I am using the wrong layer. I am using X16, and I have watched the videos and read I think every post on the topic but can't seem to create an accurate terrain. Appreciate any guidance or help anyone can give me. Thank you. 

LOT 2.dwg

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Unless I overlooked an import variation, your surveyor did you no favors.


Layer 0_ has elevation data for 

  • Perimeter Lot lines
  • Driveway
  • Road pavement.

They are all continuous values ~3000'-3020' which makes no sense since each of those items should undulate with the terrain as it crosses a topo contour line.  And his page border has an elevation value of 0"


On layer 0_ there is a cad block with contours on LICCONTOURS2 and elevation text on LICCONLABELS

exploding this layer reveals no elevation data is attached for the contours.


You can import this with no elevation data,

  • explode 0_ cad block
  • Display only layer LICONTOURS2, Select all  and manually convert all contours to elevation splines.
  • Then display LICONLABELS and manually select each contour and set it to the text value in line with it.

Or contact the surveyor amd have him send you a corrected file, unblocked with correct elevation data assigned to LICONTOURS2 and specify only this layer as elevation data when importing.


Hope this helps.

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Doug, I can view the dwg in Trueview 3Dspace and see the LICCONTOUR2 lines have elevation data.   



But I can't figure out how to import this into Chief with the data.  When I tell Chief LICCONTOUR2 is elevation data the import has nothing on that layer.



Can you tell me the steps you followed?  I've always had to have my surveyor send the file back with the cad block exploded, then when I import and specify that layer as elevation data it shows up in Chief.  Thanks.


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I must admit that I made a mistake.  The contour lines do contain elevation data in the cad file, but these are not imported into CA in a meaningful way.  I assumed that if you converted the line into a contour line in CA that it would use the 3d info.  It doesn't.  My appologies.

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