Foundation Wall Height


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My foundation wall is set to 97-1/2" (8' Concrete +1-1/2" Sill Plate).

When I click inside the foundation and the structure tab opens, it shows the wall height as 97-1/2".  

However, when I dimension the wall in an elevation view, the foundation wall measures 7'-11 3/4".

How can I fix it so it is accurate at 96" (excluding the sill plate).  A screen shot is attached.  It does this on all four elevation views, front, sides, rear.

Thanks in advance,



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Did you change the foundation settings in the defaults but forget to rebuild the foundation?


Is your siding dropping down and overlapping your foundation wall?  Check the "extension" in the wall type layers.


Did you edit the top of the foundation wall?  Check to see if it is set to use the default heights.


If it's not one of those, you might want to post the plan.


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