Shadows distorted after resizing a perspective view


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I was wondering if anybody has run into this issue. 


When producing a 3D view w/ shadows, I often need to scale up or down the 3d view to fit the proper viewing window on a layout. 


Once the image is scaled up or down the shadows reload at the original size and not at the new size. SEE image below. 


I'm wondering if there is a way to force the 3d view to recreate the shadows for the new view size without having to pull a new perspective camera? 


Hope that makes sense. 



Windows 11 

Geforce RTX 3080 Ti Laptop GPU



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There's a few root causes for shadows displaying with a slight offset. Sometimes it can be an object far away from the point of origin. 


In the camera view, the shadow should be moving in accordance with the adjust sunlight toggle. 


Question:  Are you sending that view to layout?


Is the issue that the shadows don't correspond to the active camera when doing a layout "refresh" ?


If so, often times, sending the camera views to layout one more time will fix.


A bit more information would be of help. Those look like the correct shadows except that they have an offset. 


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  • 2 months later...

sorry VHampton - just seeing your response. 


That is ultimately what i did. Resend the view to sheet. That fixed the issue - but it would be nice if we could just refresh the shadows in the view already on the sheet. I think this issue comes from sending the view to the sheet and then scaling up the view while on the layout page. 


Thanks for your help

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