driveway radius, Layout


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I'm not sure what you're asking, or what you mean that it doesn't transfer to the layout. The Layout looks fine to me.


So I'll take a stab at this with a hefty scoop of Assumption on the side: looking at the plan all I see is CAD polylines, no driveways or Terrain so I'm guessing you want to flare out these driveway polylines out to the roads following these circles?



If so, just pull the driveway polyline out to meet the road, add a break at the top of the circle so it can be pulled half-way into the circle


there'll be snaps on the apex of the top and right of the circle so it shouldn't be hard to get the edges centered.

Then click the Subtraction tool image.png.0d804526af61187a5e2473bd2b8a68ab.png and click on the circle to remove it from the driveway.



Repeat as needed.


Layout should be fine.



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