Locating to Surveyors Coordinates


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Hi There,


I'm wanting to export dxfs that will have the appropriate/ accurate survey coordinates on them. How can I set this up in my project? I have plenty of XYZ coordinates to work with to locate my design in the  project, but not sure how to best to this. Any help would be awesome! 


Thanks in advance,

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Can you explain in a bit more about what you are needing.

I will have a guess.

My first thought is to use a sphere which would be visible in both 2D and 3D.

You can locate it in XYZ and give it a label.


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Change your CAD defaults to display quadrant bearing and decimal feet.


Lots are typically closed polygons, so I turn on "Show Length" and "Show Angle" in the "Line Style" section of the Polyline DBX. (last image above)


You can manually draw a survey by placing a starting point  X then double clicking the line tool and entering the distances and orientations of each sequential line.



The resulting dxf will give your surveyor the correct orientation of your home in reference to the lot lines you drew.  Note, the dxf lot lines themselves will not be located to real world state plane coordinates (GPS) - that's a bit more involved and is usually done in the reverse starting with a dxf from your surveyor or county GIS center.


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56 minutes ago, glennw said:

Can you explain in a bit more about what you are needing.

I will have a guess.

My first thought is to use a sphere which would be visible in both 2D and 3D.

You can locate it in XYZ and give it a label.


I was hoping this isn't what he meant.  It's a bit more complicated than that.  Due to the curvature of the earth, every area is divided into a "state plane" grid that surveyors use.  Here's my area's coordinate system.  I am in OH_S 



The last DXF's from my surveyor has one corner of our 50'x100' lot located at x= 21767534.875" and y=2539813.4375" from Chief's origin.  (also my surveyor's state plane origin, which for us happens to be near Edinburg Illinois, southeast of Springfield.)  I only know this because I had drawn a house near the origin exported it to my surveyor and he sent it back to me to show me where my drawings were showing up on his system in comparison to where my lot was actually drawn.


In the reverse, if I import the surveyor's dxf and choose "ignore" when the following dbx pops up,


Then draw my home inside his dxf lines, then what I export back to him will have the house located exactly in his system, our our excavators GPS equipment, and our own GPS tablets. 


This takes some practice to get used to.


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