Joining roof planes on porch


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The front porch extends out 16'4".  As you can see in the image, there are side roofs that need joined.  Having difficulties because the side porch roofs don't protrude the same the length.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'll attach the plan file as well.  Feel free to adjust the side porch roofs if that can help.

Screenshot 2024-07-03 121452.png

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Open your roof that's across the end.  Copy its ridge height.  Close the roof dialog and open both side roofs for spec.  Paste that ridge height in.  Go back and do same for fascia height.


Then in plan view, click the edge of a side, use click the join roof planes tool, and click the end of the end roof.  They will join.  Do same for other corner.


But why haven't you tried this already?  Have you watched some training videos on roof editing?

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