Banded colors on cabinetry


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Okay, I know this sounds like a kooky question, but I have a wonderfully kooky client ;)

I would like the bottom drawers in my kitchen design to be, say purple, then the next row be blue, and the next row pink, etc. I'm thinking the best way to do this is to create a cabinet that is the height of the bottom drawers with no counter, then another cabinet with no toe kick or counter, and however many inches off the ground to put it on top of the first, etc.

This works great for presentation purposes, but of course, messes up my cabinet schedule. I'm thinking photoshop will have to jump in here, but thought I'd check to see if you folks knew another way to do this.



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Create a 3-drawer cabinet. Specify the bottom 2 drawers as a different type of drawer from the library. Paint away. Here I just used slab drawers. The top is a default slab, the bottom 2 have been chosen and painted.


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