referenced plan files


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Is there a good video explaining the tools/layout/referenced plan files system? It seems to do ok I think, but it's very confusing. Example: Once I reference the new plan file, the layout does what I think it's supposed to do. However, the project browser continues to show the original plan and files as well as the new referenced plan and files. If I highlight an elevation for example in the layout view and open it, it shows the correct plan file name which was newly referenced. However if I double-click the elevation in layout view, the old, original plan name is referenced. This is VERY confusing and I don't see any videos helping me to understand what is going on. The last thing I want is for the layout to somehow show the incorrect plan or elevation. Anyone know of a video that would help ?
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If the project browser still shows the 'old' plan file (the one you want to replace), then 1 of 2 things is going on: 

  1. a layout box remains in layout that is still linked to the 'old' plan
  2. a window is open with a view from the 'old' plan file.

When the reference plan file is replaced (using Tools / Layout / Referenced Plan Files) , the old file should disappear from the PB as soon as the dialog is closed.

 For more specific help, attach your plan files and someone can walk you through the correction for your problem. Alternatively, it would also be helpful if you could record a video demonstrating the issue.

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