Roof Mystery for gable features


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I am trying to help a friend with a plan for a house he wants and I am having trouble trying to figure out a couple of issues on the roof build. I have played with this quite a bit to get the roof to build like I think it should look and can't get the last few issue worked out.


Please make any suggestions that may help.

  1. Gable End on the Garage upper wall missing.
  2. Add gable end near porch that shouldn't be there on the right side.
  3. Gable end on entry upper wall missing.
  4. Added small Gable end on the opposite side of the master bedroom that shouldn't be there.
  5. Patio back corner is no quite right on gable end.

Thanks for any suggestions you may have.


See attached plan in post below.


BTW, this is Cheif X15, my profile doesn't seem to update after I posted.



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Thanks, I was working on this too late and had been too long since I created a new plan and forgot to build the walls... LOL  So that took care of 1 & 3.


Although, I am not sure now what to change to get the Gable end on the patios to not show up since these invisible walls are there just to define the patio and porch and the carry the roof out. Not sure, but there may be a better way to do this.


I also assume that the walls for the attic gable end walls have the line since they may not be the same thickness as adjacent walls and will look at the wall makeup to see if I can get them to match. Only a couple issue left on this roof/gable end areas.


6) This is another issue that I didn't notice before.



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