Define stud wall with girts


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I can do it manually, but is it possible to define a stud wall with girts on the outside face (metal sheating outside of that).  I have a 1.5" fir framing layer defined, but it just adds (typical) vertical members outside of the stud-framing layer.  In framing ortho I can grab one of those members rotate it, increase width to 3.5", move it to initial position, then multi copy up the wall.  More out of curiosity than anything, is it possible to define that 1.5" fur framing layer rotated 90 degrees in the Wall Type Definition?


This is not typical to what we normally have around here (post-frame for girts), but I get one or two a year that want to build like this.

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Ah, unfortunately for me, TeaTime is correct.  I checked the help index it doesn't even contain the term "girt" (presumably as a build member or in general discussion).  I have built a post-frame building from the "older" CA videos so can create girts well enough.  That will just have to do.  Thanks.

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