Roof Baseline not connecting to top plate. Chief Architect x13


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10 hours ago, ChiefUserMarvin said:

For some reason i can't connect the end of this roof pane to the top plate of this wall


Are you sure the roof plane is drawn in the correct direction ? turn on Roof plane labels in Plan view and ensure the arrow points down the roof.....

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1 hour ago, ChiefUserMarvin said:

The arrow point up, how do i make it go down?


This won't happen if you let Chief AutoBuild the Roof 1st, it is best Practice to set the Wall Roof Directive (WRD) in each wall that will not be a Hip Roof ( Default for all Walls) before Autobuilding, which I highly recommend 1st as it gets the Basics perfect, with Baselines, direction etc correct, and depending on the house will get you 65-90% of the way there, then you can turn OFF Autobuild and finish it up Manually where needed.


As for your Errant Roof Plane , if you select it with a single click you will see a triangle near it's center , which is the rotate handle , left click and hold on it and then Rotate the Roof Plane 180°........However I would recommend deleting it and redrawing it to ensure the Baseline and overhangs are drawn correctly in the right position.









Remember that the KnowledgeBase (KB) has many good Short Tutorials ( with downloadable PDFs) and there are also Free Videos etc to help with all the basics.





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