Automatic Roof Fill Pattern


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How do you automatically get the roof material fill to show up without going in after the roof is built to show the fill style pattern designated by the material chosen? If that's not an option or you need to do it manually, why is that not an option in the defaults and a separate layer?


Am I missing something??? 

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Where are you trying to show the roof materials?  If you are talking about a camera view, then it should show up automatically in any view that will show patterns, including elevations.  If you are talking about plan views, then no, there is no automatic way to show the material as a fill in a plan view.  You can set your own fill style though and the easiest way to do this is use the "edit all roof planes" tool.  Doing this turns off auto rebuild though.

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3 minutes ago, DBCooper said:

Where are you trying to show the roof materials?  If you are talking about a camera view, then it should show up automatically in any view that will show patterns, including elevations.  If you are talking about plan views, then no, there is no automatic way to show the material as a fill in a plan view.  You can set your own fill style though and the easiest way to do this is use the "edit all roof planes" tool.  Doing this turns off auto rebuild though.

Yes for plan views is what is asking prevent turning off auto roof this would become a suggestion then. I'm not sure why this isn't setup in the defaults.

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Probably because we don't have "roof plane" defaults.  The roof defaults we have are basically the same thing as the "build roofs" dialog and you don't have all of the settings that are in the roof plane dialog (for things like fill style, line style, labels, and what not).  So yeah, it sounds like you need to make a suggestion.  


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