Auto slab foundation and structural questions


Go to solution Solved by Chrisb222,

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Below is the foundation generated from my floor plan.

1.) CA detects external garage walls and generates a different footing than the other walls.  This is my 1st and only home design. Why are there different footing thicknesses (16" in home, 8" in garage?)  When I view the slab in 3D and look underneath, the footings all look the same depth.

2.) Why does CA generate a footing where there is no wall (defined as invisible) between the kitchen and living?  I'm sure this must be deleted.  What should the footings look like for this structure?  Should I delete the left side bedroom wall footings?

3.) There is no bearing wall parallel to the ridge line on the left side of the home.  For this span (32') is it necessary?  Will this be a problem in the structural analysis?  Would it be best to rearrange the floor plan so that a bearing wall can be placed near the ridge line?


I'm starting to get into the details on this project (i.e., generating the site plan and construction docs.)If anyone has the time I'd appreciate any feedback they could give me on this home and barn design so far. 




ranch and

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  • Solution

1. This is not footing thickness it's wall thickness.

2. On the Structure panel of the Wall Specification Dialog, the wall between the kitchen and living room, and the short wall of the closet have Bearing Wall and Create Wall/Footing Below checked. The bedroom walls have Create Wall/Footing Below checked. Uncheck those.

3. As to the span or whether you need those bearing walls, that depends on your structural intents and goals. That's up to the designer to decide. Although it looks like you intend to use common trusses, in which case, no, 32' is not too far to span.



Screen Shot 2023-04-03 at 2.59.53 PM.png

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