Object Painter X7


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Setting this on my toolbar- from what I can tell I need to have both "object painter" and "select properties to paint" ?

IF I click "select properties to paint" first nothing happens

If I select the "object painter" I get a spray can but have no control over what properties it uses

If I select the OP then click properties I get a list.

Is this how it works? or am I missing something somewhere?

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  • 3 months later...

Still not as efficient as Softplan's "repeat edit" tool. Why do I have to hunt down a seemingly endless list of attributes and tick off what I want changed on the next item?

That is, if I've just opened up the db on an item and made changes then that IS the "list" of attributes. I should just be able to click on "object painter" and then select all the like objects that I want to match.


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