Importing a Recap file or a Land XML file. Is it possible?


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Hiya Group. I'm fairly new to doing exterior renderings, and suddenly decks, outdoor spaces, and landscaping is a significant portion of our work. So... detailed/pretty/accurate renderings are a big deal. 
I'm just starting to work with a landscape surveying company who can produce very detailed point cloud and surface 3-d diagrams of all aspects of the clients' existing property. From what he says "Point clouds can be exported as (but not limited too) .laz, .las, .e57, or Recap files.  The Ground model can be exported as a Land XML file."
My question is; Can any of these files be directly (or indirectly) imported into Chief for use on exterior landscape renderings? 

Using Premier X14. on an 
Intel Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.30 GHz with 8GB Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 video card (but easily ready for a system upgrade if needed).
Any advice helps. 

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  • BlueBridge changed the title to Importing a Recap file or a Land XML file. Is it possible?

Thanks. It looks like it addresses a related issue (I'll have to look through the video on importing using Vectorworks), although unfortunately, it doesn't look like that issue was fully resolved either. I'll take down my question tomorrow, or refine it so it's more specific. .  

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