Upper stair flight off by 1/8"


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as I approach my 75th project in CA some things still elude me.


The upper flight up this stair case is off 1/8" compared to the lower flight at the corner where the landing is. the landing is also off, which then means the left wall cannot be shown properly.


It was built with the L: shape stair tool, but once I start creating walls around the stairs and moving them, something like this will happen. i think it has something to do with snapping. Here nor there, it does not seem like I can easily fix it


I tried selecting both the landing and the stairs and using the tab key to move in the X direction 1/8", it does not move, I then tried just the upper flight, it does not move either.

If I try and grab the upper flight to move to the right, it doesnt move. It seems like I have to grab the left edge of the upper flight, move it to the right (and shorten the tread by doing so) to disconnect from the landing, then go resize the landing to match the lower set, then grab the left side of the upper flight and drag left to reconnect to the landing


 is that the only way?


,,but i did get my forum name changed :)carringvue.zip




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See what happens if you select the landing where the temp dimensions show the 1/8" discrepancy and then zoom in and see if you can make that 0".

Have not tried it on stairs but it works for other little things like that.

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that widens it and then it goes underneath the stair, I still then have to disconnect the stair, make the other side of the landing smaller and then reconnect the stair.  speaking of making the other side smaller. how does one do this by setting the dim? everytime I try, it moves the right side of the landing and not the left. I thought the "selected edge" was supposed to move? I can only get the right edge of the landing to move

when typing in the dim



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