Ray Trace CPU Utilization


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Hi Everyone,


I just upgraded my computer system to an AMD R7 3800x and an RTX 2070 Super. Since the upgrade, my ray traces are only using 2 of 16 cpu threads. I've checked the CPU utilization in CA and it says 16 (Use Maximum). Anyone else have this happen? I am on version X12 if that helps.



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Hello Marken_Drafting,

I just ran a 10 minute RT with my Task Manager up.  Windows 10 Home version.  Wasn't able to see how many cores (4 physical, 8 logical, and I also have it set to use the max) my computer was using, but did notice that most of the processing (90 - 100%) was all done by the CPU with 1-3% done by the GPU.  I think the CA software is not written to take advantage of our GPU processing power????  I am on Version X12 also.  Sorry I couldn't give a definitive answer.

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Chief has two different rendering methods, the first being Ray Trace and another newer method called Physically Based (PBR). Ray Trace uses the CPU and will scale according to the number of cores your CPU has, when Ray Tracing all available CPU cores should show 95%-100% usage, the GPU will show very little usage. The Physically Based renderer uses both the CPU and GPU, the CPU portion is not fully hyperthreaded so it will not use all of the CPU cores for most of the operation. After the CPU has compiled things your GPU will crank up, likely 80% or higher to finish off the render.

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