Force an Interior Door to be Indicated and Tabled as an Exterior Door


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I know this is kind of an odd question but I have a reason for it.  I'd like to indicate an interior door as an exterior door so as to be shown and tabulated on my door schedule as such.


I know that Chief automatically determines Interior or exterior by where the door is placed and although I've attempted to find some way to override and force the door to be shown as an exterior door I haven't been able to do so. I don't want to change my door schedule to a text entity as a means to an end because I don't want to loose the door schedule's associativity and automatic updating with the plan.


The reason for me wanting to do this is because the door is on a wall between an unheated garage and the basement and I am using that same wall as my insulation barrier in rescheck energy calculations  so the interior door is going to be insulated and will also then be identical to another exterior door located elsewhere.  Being able to designate the interior door as exterior I can then have a qty 2 shown for two identical doors.



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