Dimension Tool help


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Eric is right PDF's are a PITA just use the Windows Snipping Tool (accessories) and attach the image Directly after saving it on your desktop



1.) the location of the Wall Dim is determined by the wall's main layer and which side is it's main side ( ie what is considered the exterior side) which is indicated by the square edit handle when the wall is selected at it's mid point.


2.) is an overall Dim ( note the arrows only on each end ) you can add dim location points by dragging off the diamond and placing it on the point you want located ...if there is a diamond to drag otherwise you could add a manual point to point dim too. check this video for the use of the diamond....



3.) Line A is the same as the outer line to it's left it appears, typically CA will only give 3 lines off Dim. automatically line the other sides of the building so I am not sure if A is one you drew manually? if so it is properly just the wrong type , eg you used point to point instead of a Running or Baseline Dim.







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