Minimum Wall Lengths - V.X5


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Hi All

I have collinear walls joined together. One being brick veneer, one being timber cladding. Both walls are made up of solid 36 metrapanel with 70 structural framing battens on the outside. Brick has a 40 cavity with 70 series Brick, the other has 70 structural battens and a 20 cavity batten with palliside PVC w/brd. The Solid Wall panel will provide the main structural frame and the structural framing battens provide the structural element for the Lintel supports.

I want to place a window in the w/brd wall hard up to the Brick Veneer wall without any framing to the side of the window. (The Lintel will be supported by 70framing from the brick wall beside)

Where are the settings to allow me to force the window to the very end of the w/brd wall .

The window placement is critical for interior kitchen layout and it just doesn’t look right with the window casing showing behind a pantry unit in elevation view.



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