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About cmmconstruction

  • Birthday 01/01/1983

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Belmar, NJ
  • Interests
    Building Beautiful Custom Homes on the Shore

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  1. Hi all, We are looking to have multiple 50-100' wide by 150' deep lots rendered, with Topography and architectural plans on them. These are 2 Story Residential Homes 2500-4500 SF. We would like the chief files when you are complete. We will provide the following in PDF format: A plot plan with elevations An Architectural Plan A Structural Plan A list of typical materials used for Structure and Core Building Components: Sheetrock Frame Member Size Windows ETC. We do not need any flooring, cabinetry, trim or finish detailing. We want to use the actual model to work from in our office so we will need the full plan done in x10 Let me know if you are interested!
  2. Hi Guys I am looking for someone to work for us in NJ. I can provide the Computer, Software and all of the supporting requirements but would like to have someone in house to do visualizations, and details for our homes. We currently use Chief for this and our operator is becoming an engineer. is our company. Any leads on this position would be greatly appreciated! Thanks