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  1. Old timer Chief user here, trying to clean out office on Cape Cod, MA. Free for the taking, needs to be carried out of daylight basement up to driveway...
  2. Hi Jay how about structure tab, wall intersections, thru wall at start and end if the cheek wall extends under the roof, cut it, call out attic wall for the pcs under the roof guessing big time, Ray
  3. Yes it has:-) semi retired still taking on a few jobs,,, Chiefs come a long way for sure.The other board gets very little activity, Eric still over there now and then causing trouble (joking)
  4. Hi Jim How about adding a shadow board same size as the rake, should cover up the rake with a sq. end, me thinks Ray C
  5. guessing Make sure that room (deck) is closed Open this deck room and make sure it knows it's a deck Go to the deck tab and make sure auto deck frame is checked Go to "all on " layer set and select all on, again? spin the house every which way and take a look,,,, out of guesses! :-)
  6. RayCas


    Hi This is more of an observation than a question. The export to ResCheck is great idea but not unlike most new features it'll take a version or two to get it right IMO From what I can see it would be much more beneficial If the export went to AreaCalc (ResCheck sister program). There's a lot to straighten out after the export and it would be much easier having all the envelop items separated as in AreaCalc then send it to ResCheck from there. I'd be interested if anyone is using this feature with any consistency... TIA Oh! and I stumbled on the "Make Living Area Polyline" today,,,,, nice one Chief guys! :-)
  7. Oh Yaaah! Thanks Dermot. Worked like a charm. and thanks for the try Col.
  8. Stick build it... make up a thin white wall, set angle, width, height (rm ht), window dims and all that stuff then select one wall and set to no room def.. then lower the windows to fit your white framed walls. on that exterior wall place a fixed glass to show the interior. old school
  9. Help! Hi Folks Can't get the project browser to show up. By way of the view menu or the tool button. I have tried it with Side Window Drag Dock checked and unchecked. Also tried other than my custom tool bar configs (out of the box) with no luck. I sure hope this is operator error!!
  10. Hi Dave don't normally have a problem with ram on this machine,,, 12 gigs From layout I went to select printer and found an entry in the printer list "Save as PDF" , never notice it before and don't know where it came from, dah, anyway it created the pdf almost instantly unlike the other pdf printers I tried that bogged down,,,who knew! "-) sending the pdf to the 500 works I just leave out the layout page with the pdf's on it and print that page by it's self.... phew thanks for the reply Perry, yes I switched to that earlier with some success,,,,, but o so sloooow tnks
  11. Hi End of the day trying to finish a plan up and never fails,,,,,, printing problem's I drag and dropped a couple of PDF eng. reports onto the last layout page of the plan,,,, causing all sorts of memory problems with my HP500 hp /gl2 card. Having the same problem printing to every PDF printer on this machine I guess my question is, any way to decrease the size of those files, I tried turning them into jpegs thinking it might help but no go... great feature,,,, if it works this is in X6, last one I had kicking around b 4 I moved up to X7 TIA
  12. Joe Wo! Never expected that, just starting to us x7 from 6,,,, Chief certainly has come a long way, Thanks Johnny,,,, if there is I couldn't find it,,,,
  13. Hi Folks Chief gives each wall a number when exported to ResCheck, same number as displayed in the wall detail list. My question is,,, do u think there is any way to show the wall numbers in plan view? TIA
  14. Dah! little slow here this morning! Thanks J Ray C