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  1. Ok, I figured it out after half an hour of teeth gnashing. Apparently, it's possible to have two Cabinet Schedules open at the same time. You can simply copy & paste one. As soon as you do, CA adds second labels to the plan view and elevations. Arrgh! Hope this helps someone else!
  2. Hi, I'm a remodeler with K&B business, using Chief. I tend to draw good enough plans for getting a permit, then running off to do the other 99 items on my list. I recently learned how to use SCHEDULES, which can be great. I'm having trouble with this plan. It's showing two callouts for every cabinet, with phantom fillers I can't see. I'm going back and forth from the drawing to the Schedule. I wish I could double click on the Schedule and it would open the DBX for that cabinet. There's also a bunch of repeats, where the callout shows two C30, but there's only one cabinet there. C04 is also confusing. It says this base cabinet is 5-3/4" tall, but I don't see it. If I delete cab C26, the C04 also disappears. It's like each cabinet is being counted twice or ?? I wonder if I have a corrupted file? Any help would be appreciated! I'm trying to price out this remodel for friday. Andy
  3. Thanks Mark! I am using X9 on a Win10 machine. I also use my iMac at home, I think it's on High Sierra I've added some of this data to my profile, at your suggestion. I did find the cab fillers do have the "show in schedule" check box But in X9, it appears they haven't thought of including panels yet : ( I haven't added mouldings yet, so I'm not sure about those. In X9, I looked at the door DBX until nearly blind, then found the components icon can access some of the fields that post to the door schedule. So, it's a work around, but it's something!
  4. X9 X8 user here I'm learning how to use schedules for doors and windows, with some success. I thought I would use CA to help write a cabinet schedule too, but the DBX for fillers and panels doesn't offer the checkbox to "include in schedule". What do other users do? Is there a way to include them in the schedule, or do you just write those manually? Which does lead to a side question: I'm trying to figure out how to edit the door schedule in the comments column, but nothing seems to work. Any comments on that? Thank you
  5. I'm still blind as a bat as I've looked at the door DBX and do not see the component edit option.
  6. This is a excellent discussion! I'm a D/B remodeler doing quite a few kitchens and long time CA user considering 20/20. The pricing issue with CA has been tedious, since DeWils Cabinets only offers one by one lookup of each cabinets cost. I'm having two screens up, with drawings, DeWils page, and Excel and having to read back and forth. It's time consuming and the opportunity for error is ample. I began to rethink 20/20, but after reading Mark's excellent comparison and other comments by Cheryl, I'm dubious. One thing might help, after reading Mark's description, is to use schedules. I've only recently begun to use door and window schedules. We've got two projects this summer with whole house window and door changeouts. I've learned those copy & paste into Excel, which is quite helpful when I want to sent my supplier a list for quote. Maybe the best way for me will be to use a cabinet schedule in CA, export to Excel, but still manually price each box, filler, moulding, etc. This is a great forum! I'm not a frequent visitor, but I should be. Andy
  7. Thank you, Scott. I knew I had seen the hotkey dbx before. I've had to map a hotkey so my iMac could scroll, which was missing on Macs. I tried searching Help with 'hot key' and got nothing, but with 'hotkey' I found what I needed. A little fuzzy logic would improve the search experience. F10 key was not mapped to angle snap on my version of X8, but now it is! Thanks!
  8. Okay, I tried to find where you can program hot key for 60 secs. I also launched help which has no listing for 'hot key'. Which menu offers remapping of hot keys? Thanks BTW: Computer has been rebooted, etc. It's Win 7 and F10 worked with X7, but is gone with X8
  9. I upgraded from X7 to X8 and now the F10 key no longer toggles angle snaps on / off. It requires digging into the edit menu, then submenu to do what used to be an easy thing. Is there a work around to this unfortunate software decision? Also, wouldn't it be nice if your cursor didn't display the distracting icon when angle snaps are off? I find it gets in my way and wish it was simply displayed at the margins of the screen, similar to when your CAPS key is on.
  10. One other question about half walls. I would like to wrap one in tile. I can define a new wall and add layers for tile. So far, so good. But what about that pesky top rail? How can I either make it disappear, or change it to the same material?