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About KingsOwn

  • Birthday 05/20/1959

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    New Zealand

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  1. Thanks again Eric, I was hoping to avoid having to rebuild the framing as I have already manually editing the framing. It seems odd that the program does that. However it looks like I'll just have to rebuild. Thanks for your time!
  2. Thanks Eric. I don't think that is the answer. The walls are not moving, but the framing shifts out of it's layer (main layer). The sequence of screen shots shows what's happening. Resize setting in General wall is about main layer outside.
  3. Thanks Eric. I don't think that is the answer. The walls are not moving, but the framing shifts out of it's layer (main layer). The sequence of screen shots shows what's happening. Resize setting in General wall is about main layer outside.
  4. I'm trying to add an exterior layer to a wall. When I do the framing moves towards the exterior. Anyone know why? Thanks - Ian
  5. Thanks very much guys! - I think I'll give that a go.
  6. Does anyone know how to change the formula for how CA calculates the number of foundation bolts?
  7. Ghost in the machine? I just saved my file with a new name and the problem has gone away. Thanks a lot for everyone's attention - still don't know why that happened, but happy now it's gone.
  8. Sorry - forgot to say I'm using Windows 10.
  9. Thanks very much Mark, Zip file here.
  10. Here's the plan - I hope I've posted it correctly? In this plan if I place a new cabinet or edit size one of the existing cabinets in the kitchen the window in the wall that the cabinet is against is deleted. Thanks for your consideration. Mahakipawa 15.dwg
  11. I have a problem in one file where windows drop out, or are deleted when I place a new cabinet or adjust an existing cabinet that is against the wall containing the window. Anyone had this happen. Any solutions? Thanks. Ian
  12. Hi Glenn, is it simple to explain the reason for that, or is it better if I go through the manual again? thanks!
  13. Hmmmmm...I have never done that (draw at 1:1 then scale to layout), have I been missing something? I have always drawn at the scale that my drawings will be in layout.