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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I think it would help if you found an example or sketched something to illustrate. When you say "walls to create a shed below" really threw me.
  2. 100% agree. Dare I say next to impossible to manipulate effectively post union. Not to mention, if you plan to do any wood texture for a rendering etc you have to have a texture per direction so per wood member (which kinda sucks). I really wish we could build wood structures out of framing members (which auto rotate the texture).
  3. I'm noticing that I can't use both the automatic (follow me) sun with added user lighting. Is this correct?...or is there a method of getting both? Thanks!
  4. Overall kinda works - but the corners are a problem. I can't seem to get the wall intersection tool to miter the corners.
  5. ....and then just manually put posts in after? I guess that would work. Thats too bad there isn't a way around this to have my cake and eat it too so its automatic.
  6. Is there a way to get a custom fence panel to run through the posts?
  7. Thank you. I was looking in the roof Dbx and simply couldn't find I know why.
  8. I'll admit, I haven't used this condition in a while, but I have a project where I need to do the boxed eave gable end returns. I remember in past versions of Chief this was just a few clicks. Now, I can't seem to find where that option is. I remember you could even set it to hip-return that little roof section. Did they remove this feature?...or am I just missing it.
  9. Laptops habitually overheat and thermal throttle - specially with the GPU. You want a laptop that is full body aluminum and uses that body as extra heat dissipation. The best i've found thus far is Razor Blade. Build quality is A+. 16-Inch Gaming Laptop with Fastest OLED Display | Razer United States and i upgraded to the UHD+ (3840 x 2400) so i could get 4k - makes a huge difference on drawing sizes using the laptop screen. Read about the thermal aspects - and I can attest to it 100%.
  10. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the further you increase those lower wall heights the less "A-frame" the home becomes. Just wanted to point out obvious fact.
  11. Hi Glenn, My window separation default is set for 3" (two 2x6) - and if I start a brand-new file (directly from Chief's template) the window default mullion depth action works fine when "bump" two or more windows together. It uses whatever casing depth i have set. What's happening (i believe) is there is a legacy file bug issue happening. If we had the ability to set the mullion depth by default I could fix the problem, but since that option only is available upon manually mulling the windows....i basically have to mull each window set to resolve the problem. I was going to reach out to Chief's tech support on this issue.
  12. Thanks for the info. I guess the issue is the app is behaving like I set that value to something other than default. I used to be able to bump windows together without officially mulling them and the app would just use the same depth as the trim for the middle (auto) mullion. Now it appears to be setting this value to -1/2".
  13. Hey Guys, I'm curious if someone can point me in the right direction - for some reason in X16 (when using an older template) when i bump two windows together the mullion isn't correct. To fix, i have to manually mull and then use the Mullion Depth setting (which only shows when manually mulled) to correct....on each window set. Does anyone know a way to access the "default" setting of a mullion depth in the app? Mullion depth doesn't show under default settings for windows - it only shows when i have a mulled window set.
  14. I do. If I go directly to the viewer at Chief's web it works fine because I do allow cookies for my browser. The problem is when I embed into a page Chief's app is saying "allow cookies" to my custom webpage and not to the client-side browser (which is on). I believe they need to allow the embedded element see the page its in as a container on their end .... and client-side browser a separate thing.
  15. I'm trying to embed clients 3D view of their model into a webpage (as Chief has designed it for). However, I get this error about cookies. Anyone know a way around this?
  16. You're calling for an architect, but I might suggest a technical drafter and structural engineer. Architects like to design things - but you have a "complete" design. A competent residential drafter should be able to help you with code related issues.
  17. So you guys are basically saying Apple M chips don't have the GPU claimed....or Chief just doesn't support it well? Of course Apple claims their integrated GPU is great, but so far everything seems to indicate there are problems there.
  18. Id love to know how the Z axis adjustment works. That's interesting.
  19. Yep, I took your suggestion and went back to that earlier driver and i haven’t crashed since. Thank you!
  20. Yeah - i updated when it happened...and i've tried both types of drivers.
  21. Very odd since i haven't run into this in some time and now its happening regularly. I updated my video drivers to the most recent, and right now I'm on a laptop with an RTX 3080 so it can't have anything really to do with the contents of Chief's official article on the matter. Troubleshooting 3D Camera View Display Problems in Chief Architect Has anyone been experiencing this lately? Like I said, it just kind popped back into existence for me.
  22. Thank you guys - i'll try what you're suggesting.
  23. Just to followup on my own question - i guess i don't understand why turning on the sun seems to automatically turn off the lights i've placed.
  24. I was just trying to add some lighting under the covered deck...but i can't find a setting that keeps the sun on and allows me to show the lights. Any help is appreciated. Its like i can have one or the other but not both.