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Posts posted by BenPalmer

  1. OK, so tried this out on my Android phone.  Works pretty good.  However, unless I missed something, if I send to a client to view, they have to create a chief log in, and enter a code.  Entering a code is fine, but why do they have to create a log in?  They should be able to enter the code only and be off and running.  It's an extra step that slows things down and I don't see the need for them to have any chief credentials.


    I realize if I log in with my Chief credentials it's all there without the code and that is great.  But needs to be easier for the client to access.


    Let me know if I'm missing something or did something wrong, or if you disagree with me?

  2. Ben, X8 had some major layout revisions because of the live views


    Even though I don't use live elevations, I'm sure you are right and it has something to do with my profile plan.  I'll send it in when I get a chance and hopefully they can fix something on there end so I don't have to redo the template.  No other problems, just that, so it doesn't hold me back.  I'll just use some near by object to create the cloud and adjust.



  3. In AutoCAD use 'Zoom Extents'.  It is there, it's just not on the screen.  The zoom extents will bring it into view.  Has to do with the origin location in Chief Architect.  I believe AutoCAD opens to 0,0 at the bottom left corner.  So if your Chief export isn't in that X,Y area, it will be offscreen.  Zoom Extents will center on the file, then you can save, and next time it opens it will be on screen.


    Hope that helps.

  4. Per my post, there are no other levels.  The attic level has no walls on it.  So there is nothing to align or misalign with.  Reference display shows blank since there are no walls on the other floors.  This is a single level house. No foundation yet.  No upper floor.  Only the attic floor.  see my previous post for more information.

  5. Definitely a bug here.  I don't think I've ever seen this message before and today opened a plan and got that message, and, as a bonus, all the text is wrapped and messed up as well.  For text: only thing I can think of is I worked on it on my laptop on a different screen size last time.  Once I open it up and refresh, the text goes back to normal, but still get the wall alignment message each time.  All I have is an attic floor.  I completely deleted the attic floor, and saved and reopened Chief, and still get that message even though there are only walls on the main floor.  No foundation plan yet. The attic is recreated, but since there is no roof yet, no walls are there. I even turned on 'all on' layer to verify.  Nothing there.  Something going on.  Can still work on the plan, but it is a nuisance.  Don't get that message on the previous drafts I have saved.  Just the latest one.  Weird.



  6. As mentioned, exporting the layout will not be 1:1 scale like exporting the plan.  There is not a way to export the entire file from chief and it show up in paper space and layout space to AutoCAD.  I've requested this feature in the past, but not sure how possible it is.  Exporting the layout will be to the scale you sent it.  They will have to resize it when they receive it.  One of my guys is proficient in AutoCAD so if a layout is needed, then I will have him scale it to 1:1 before sending it on.  However, exporting the plan file is preferable since the scale is correct.  No one has ever had a problem working off that file because they have there own title block info that they use.  DXF or DWG should come in no problem.  I've found when ever there is a problem with the exported DWG file, that often times the DXF will come in cleaner.


    Hope that helps.

  7. Yes, but then, I need to add a larger profile for the sill.  Basically I have set up my profile plan with the apron suppressed, and a larger profile for the sill so it shows as other images previously posted.  It was more of a comment for the OP so he knew the options.  You're post should help clarify that even more.  Thanks for bringing that up.

  8. Yeah, as mentioned, this can easily be done with the window or door casing, lintels and sills.  However, I would like the sills to work like lintels.  We don't use aprons around my parts and it doesn't make it easy to look like your pic without changing the profile of the sill.  However, I have my profile plan set to have it that way so makes it easy to work with.

  9. Below I've linked a thread with in an in depth explanation of the problem I and others are having with transparency including good explanations as to why the problems exist in third party and not Chief's pdf from the Park brothers.  If no transparency in the plans, then any pdf printer works.  Sounds like DC and some other pdf printers are working on more recent drivers that have fixed the problems, which is fantastic.  Thanks for sharing.


  10. Beware using "save as PDF" in Chief will generate very large files as compared to Adobe. Some of my pdf's are 20 to 30mb using Chief, and 10 to 15mb using Adobe.


    Agreed.  However, if you have 'transparencies' in the chief file (such as shadows on elevations), Adobe's printer, in fact all pdf printers i've tried, will pixelate those area and Chief's printer does not (discussed in a previous thread).  I use Chiefs printer when I have transparencies (which is all the time now since I use shadows for all my projects), then I use Adobe to 'optimize' the PDF file and it brings it down to normal size.