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Status Replies posted by joey_martin

  1. Need Help!  I am building my own home and had a designer do plans, but would like to have it modeled in Chief Architect so I can look the 3D model of all the framing, topography, foundation, roof and an accurate materials list.  I also want to make some design changes myself.  I am completely new to Chief Architect.  Home will be a single story about 3,200 SF.  Anyone interested in assisting? 

    1. joey_martin


      I am completely booked up at this time.


  2. Hi Joey,

    Import the attached file using Text Macro Management.  Then just put the macro %opening_plan_label_rich% in your door and window default labels.

    hth - enjoy

    Openiing Labels for Joey Martin

    1. joey_martin


      That looks like the same one I already have and have tried to use. It adds an extra foot to the door heights. Shows doors as 3'0"x7'8"

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Hi Joey,

    Import the attached file using Text Macro Management.  Then just put the macro %opening_plan_label_rich% in your door and window default labels.

    hth - enjoy

    Openiing Labels for Joey Martin

    1. joey_martin


      Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)