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Everything posted by BigKahuna

  1. Curt, Thanks I will try doing some searches. I had a feeling it wasn't a quick fix but we shall see. I haven't done much playing with any settings just do a factory setting one and go So I will have to investigate more. I too have been disappointed in the stainless look and haven't found a good answer in my searches so I used Brushed Bronze from the metals. The curved surface helps. Not as sure it does as good on flat surfaces as it does on curved ones though. you also have to actually change the material not paint it .
  2. I love the ability to do these nice ray traces with latest version and a newer laptop. The old one for some reason took forever ( hours) while new one does it in 5-20 minutes. The only issue I have is the dark ceilings. I have the lightened ceiling box checked. Is there any other tricks ? In this project I also had light wood ceilings. Its a bit frustrating not to be able to highlight it. I have attached photos. Thanks for any suggestions
  3. Sorry. I thought I had added them but wasnt used to the new forum. They are now in the edited orginal post. Thanks
  4. I am considering having someone with more experience and time do a site plan for an upcoming 6-1 acre lot development for a builder client that could be used upfront in the marketing process and then used for each home as they are built. I would expect to have an autocadd of the attached pdf to import. I am less than skilled at the contour manipulations and feel it might be best to have someone more skilled at it provide it. It would include the 2 bordering roads and the private street and a small stream shown on pdf. It does not require adding trees ( optional ). I can add those and an entry feature and misc. items. A few things I am not sure can be done but would like to investingate. 1. Can a single site model indicate the whole site as well as show individual property lines? Or does it require adding a fence or some solid polyline applied to the model at ground level to indicate it and possibly building setbacks ? Obviously I would like to be able to easily spilt of the individual lots later as the homes are designed and save a version to add a model of each finished home onto the overall site later. I dont use chief for CD's as those are done on Autocadd so if that makes a difference.I use chief for visual aspect for clients and marketing etc. 2. If you are interested could you please provide me a price or ballpark price and ask any questions or provide any feedback on this approach. Also if you could give a rough timeframe to complete once given an ok. Please send your thoughts to me in email. Thanks, Nelson Behr Design Directive RIVERSTONE EXHIBIT A.pdf Riverstone_EXHIBIT.pdf