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Posts posted by SusanC

  1. We have 3 Macs in our office and 2 of them struggle with this same issue.  Printing from the file and the elevations are black.   Printing from a pdf generated in Chief - same issue (but does not happen with every plan).   

    If the file is printed out from a pdf generated on my Mac, which is newer, no problems.  Leads me to believe the problem is with the graphics cards in the other 2 Macs.  Is your Mac newer or older? 

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  2. Thank you Dermot for the info.  I tried to replicate the "No Message Available" for you and was successful the first time on a plan that I generated on an X13 plan template.  It crashed before I could make a zip file so I opened it again and I received the other error message stating that it was a "rendering error."  Because I was curious, I tried opening it a 3rd time and there were no error messages.  Very odd that there was no consistency.  I have had a ticket open with Connor H at the help desk and he has suggested updating my Mac and using only one of the graphics cards.  I've tried both of those suggestions as well as re-booting.  At the moment I can work on some of my plans, but not all.  There are 2 other Macs in my firm with the same issues.  




  3. Thank you for your responses.  KBird's response sent me on a search for more info on AMD Radeon issues and I landed in a chat room reading an article called "X13 Released Too Soon?" which led me to a great Chief article:  At least I'm not the only one with graphics card issues.  

    After going into my preferences and unchecking the box that allows my MacBook Pro to switch back and forth between video cards and also re-booting my computer, I am able to open a couple of my plans - sometimes - without error messages and then I'll open it at other times and the same error messages pop up.  I'm hoping the help desk will have a fix or a suggestion for me tomorrow - which I'll be happy to share here.  



  4. LIS_Problem_210829_SMC.zipJust wondering if any other Chief users who are on a Mac are having issues with X13?  We recently upgraded to X13 and now all 3 of the Macs in the office are unable to open camera views in any plan file without receiving a never ending loop of error messages regarding rendering of a metal handle and then crashing.  Zip file and screen shots attached.  Software is all up to date on all computers.  Interestingly, the error messages always reference a mystery user named "Ryan". 


    Screen Shot 2021-08-28 at 11.42.01 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2021-08-28 at 11.41.24 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2021-08-29 at 12.19.37 AM.png


  5. I have been using Google Drive at my office successfully for several years.  

    To be safe, Chief suggests that the file be:  downloaded, syncing stopped, worked on, re-uploaded, and syncing turned back on.  I tend to be the only one in the office working on files so I access directly off Google Drive and don't have any issues.


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  6. Hi,


    I am setting up a new GEFORCE RTX 2060 Super + Razer COREX for my MacBook Pro 15" and I am stalled.  I have read through the threads on this forum and see that there are quite a few Chief / MacOS users successfully using an EGPU.  I've loaded loaded my 2060 into the Razer and plugged it into power and my Thunderbolt port.  

    1.  Where do I find the driver to download?  NVIDIA supports only Windows.  

    2.  How do I direct Chief to use this EGPU?


    Thank you,


    • Like 1
  7. Thank you for the suggestions, but I still can't get the framing to show.  I made a copy of an Interior 4 wall, renamed it, removed the exterior drywall layer and it appears as drywall on one side and what looks like plywood on the other.  

  8. Hi,


    I am working on an unfinished basement and would like to show drywall on one side of the wall and not the other (at the stairs) so the framing is visible on one side. 

    1.  Is there a way to delete the drywall from one side of a wall? 

    2.  I have generated framing. 

    3.  I have tried the delete surface tool.

    4.  I've also tried going into the wall dbx and deleting drywall off one side of the wall.




  9. I am working on 2 jobs with odd angled walls and finding that the dimension lines jump off the angled walls repeatedly and the dimensions will not snap to windows and doors on the angled walls.  Has anyone else had these problems and found a way around them?  I read through several past threads on angled walls and did not find solutions for these issues.  

