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Everything posted by Pkbldr

  1. These drains can create so many design opportunities They are well documented on the website as well. (If the website post is not allowed, search for FreeStyle Linear Drain) Toby
  2. WOW! You folks are amazing! As I've said in the past, one of the greatest Chief resources is the oh so generous folks on this forum. I am glad to know I wasn't overlooking some simple switch, setting or checkbox as I am prone to do. Anyway, thanks again! Toby
  3. I am beyond frustrated and, as seems always the case, have no time for this... I am attempting to have a rail/knee-wall intersect a interior wall at 2" from the interior walls endpoint. For whatever reason, when the walls meet, the interior walls wants to shorten to create a corner rather than a tee intersection. The offending corners are clouded in the attached X8 plan. I've accomplished one with the use of a polyline solid but am unsatisfied with having to resort to a work-around for such a seemingly uncomplicated task. HELP!! I've fallen and I can't get up!! Thanks in advance, Toby RG_2342-Prelim-3.plan
  4. That's what I was looking for, "go to CAD>CAD Block Management"! Obviously need to become better acquainted with some of the menus but, there are just so bloody many of them! Thanks for the quick answer! Toby
  5. I read references on the forum for being able to "insert the 2D CAD block" from a symbol. For the life of me, I can't see a way to do that! Obviously I am missing something, any help? Thanks, Toby
  6. Ray, I've been using this one; Leica DISTO E7100i 200ft Range, Laser Distance Measurer, Black/Red with good success. I have 2 other larger Disto and am happy with both but this one is my "go to" as it stays in my dash pocket in the truck, hooks to my pocket and its' accuracy is spot on up to at least 100' (as far as I have tried it). If you need longer distances and exterior, I might suggest one of the bigger ones, red glasses and a target, but I've not needed it in a while and have found this little one fine at distances I can find it in bright light with my naked eye. The Florida sun makes it tough but I'll keep suffering on. (sorry couldn't help it. Saw weather today in your area) Good luck Toby
  7. Michael, THANKS! I somehow had that spec'd on the Build Framing dialog AND the room structure tabs. At one time that was not true so I can't imagine how it got that way. Sure wish I'd have posted a while ago. Thanks again. Toby
  8. After hours of trial and and error, l am unable to generate floor framing for the second floor automatic or manual. If someone could discover why and point me in the right direction I will be eternally grateful. I am using the latest X8 on a surface pro 4 with I7 processor,8G Ram. Thank5, Toby 4500_Floor Plan-Trial.plan
  9. This is such an unfilled market niche (as-built sketching), it has amazed me for years! Back in the stone ages I did well over a hundred as-builts of Wendy's restaurants for their ADA upgrade program. These restaurants were all over the state so there was no going back for missed measurements. I used a Palm app called ZipCad that was amazing and very intuitive. I've seen nothing approaching it's utility since and I've looked at and purchased many, many,..... Have a look; If this can be done on a Palm Pilot, why in the world can't this simplicity be created on these new tablets that are more powerful than my desktop was then? The Bluetooth Disto laser worked flawlessly with it and exports were clean 2d drawings similar to an as-built mask that we create from a model today. If I'd had lines to walls... I'm also trying to decide between: 1) Surface pro i7-8G-256G and 2)Surface Book i5-8G-128 to be used w/Chief in the field as well as other mobile computing; spreadsheets in the evening and browsing Chief Talk regularly and such. Our business is migrating to Office 365 so these seemed the best bet to me. I'd value anyone's thoughts in this regard or alternatives. As always, great resource here and always thankful for those who unselfishly contribute. Thanks, Toby
  10. So, how about a review of how Chief performs on the new Surface Book?
  11. Very nice Scott, thanks!
  12. Thanks for that Joey, I had seen you used that in your drawing published on CA's website. As usual there is more than one way to skin a cat. Attached is a sample of the line styles I mentioned at a 24" spacing, 6' long, from DataCad. They actually have a large number of line types that come standard and make for very nice 2D drawings. Thanks, Toby
  13. I have seen a couple line styles in various user's plan posts that I cannot seem to discover how to make or to find. Specifically there is a "Wardrobe" line that that is like a clothes rod with random hanging clothes on it. Datacad has a line style like that that is called Random Light or Random Heavy. There also is a line style that I'd describe as "Wavy" or "Wiggle". It is handy for illustrating Grade outside of a wall and to show a cracked face masonry. Can someone direct me please? Thanks, Toby
  14. But I want all 3 tabbed in one window so that I am able to maximize the Library and the ALDO tabs in the second monitor. (that sounded like one of my Grandkids wrote that)
  15. I am able to open all 3 separately on a second monitor (including the Library) but I can't seem to combine them in one window with tabs in the second monitor as is possible in the main window.
  16. I'm in the latest X7 release and was curious about my inability to have one browser window open in a second monitor with all 3 browsers (Library, Project and Active Layer) tabbed in it as is possible on the main CA window. Is there a technique I am missing or is this not possible? I don't believe there is a plan to be attached to my question but if so please forgive my oversight and obvious shortcomings. ;~)) Thanks, Toby
  17. Well for whatever reason it does not show up with the Floor camera but does with the Full camera.
  18. BINGO! We've got a winner! I wonder why it will show the flat ceilings but not the curved one. On the other hand it does show the curved ceiling too until I apply a different finish. Not very intuitive...No Matter...I know it does it now. As always; this forum is one of the primary reasons CA is as successful as it is. Thank you Scott!
  19. This is what my Ceiling Plane DBX looks like
  20. That's what I want! This is what I get when I do that. Obviously I'm doing something wrong but I cant see it
  21. Here's the plan. Thanks Raney Barrel-2 (1).plan
  22. The curved part of the ceiling is a "Ceiling Plane" with the "Curved Roof" attribute checked. The "Ceiling Plane Specification" dialog "Materials" tab is blank and I learned that the materials are defined by the "Room Ceiling Finish" unless you uncheck this option on the "General" tab of the "Ceiling Plane Specification" dialog. When I uncheck it the ceiling plane disappears, thus my dilemma.
  23. I have a bathroom model with a partially barrel vaulted ceiling (curved ceiling plane) as shown in the attached jpg. I want to apply a wood plank material to the barrel portion and leave the flat ceiling (flat ceiling plane) as is (white drywall). None of the material painter options allow me to do this but rather apply material to all of the ceiling. If I uncheck Ceiling Finish in the Ceiling Plane specification so that the Materials becomes active, the curved ceiling disappears. How may I isolate the curved ceiling plane to apply the wood material to it alone? Thanks,
  24. That's what I have in mind Joey, I can't seem to figure how to get there. The program says it stores the Preferences in <Users/Toby/AppData/Roaming/Chief Architect Inc>. I can see no way to point the program toward another folder such as Dropbox. I have the 'Templates', the 'Data' Folder and the 'Shared Patterns' Folder in Dropbox, selected under the Preferences, General, Folders pane but can see no way to select the other folders as shown in the 'All Program Paths:' button. Please tell me the way to get there. Thanks, Toby
  25. What I had hoped for was a practice whereby some set of the program files could be in Dropbox or Drive and accessed from laptops or PCs with seamless synchronization; a change to the program on one device would be in effect when the program was opened on another device, with the same license of course. This seems so logical and useful that I can't believe someone hasn't found a way to do this.