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Everything posted by Pkbldr

  1. I have done searches on all of the terms I can come up with to no avail so I'll ask my question and be ready to be directed to a thread that answers it. What would be the Best Practice for sharing/syncing preferences and defaults between multiple computers using Premier? Thanks in advance. Toby
  2. As an update and for the record; I sent the plan to Chief and apparently I'd somehow made multiple wall layers main layers and that was not allowing the drywall wrap behaviour. Not sure how/why I did that. Seems like it shouldn't be allowed, multiple main layers? Changing to one main layer lets it wrap correctly. Unfortunately correcting it at this point in this plan moves everything and throws off intersections and dimensions but it won't happen again I betcha. Thanks for the help, Toby
  3. For some reason that I'm certain I must be overlooking my wall ends do not have drywall wrapping them. This is occurring on Interior walls as well as Half-walls. From my forum searches it seems I should expect to see them wrapped in camera views but not in plan view. I am seeing it in neither. (see attached) Can someone explain this to me or am I just expecting something I'm not going to get at this time? Thanks, Toby
  4. That was the word I needed Mr. Davis; Polyline Solid. I watched the video 828 ( after searching for "Polyline Solid" and the solution was evident. (see attached) I had been trying to start with a Polyline Solid rather than convert a polyline AFTER creating the curved arch. What a great resource this Forum is. So, does anyone have a solution to the short wall cap missing issue? Thanks again, Toby
  5. I've tried to do this in CA unsuccessfully several times and have resorted to modeling it in Sketchup and importing into CA. (See Attached) I'm certain this is possible in Chief, at least I hope it is. Could someone explain the best way to accomplish it please? I also am having an issue with wall ends not capping on Straight Half-Walls. Was this not fixed in X6 along with the regular height wall ends? Thanks for the help, Toby
  6. Bingo, we've got a winner! Thanks KT, very productive for your 1st post! I drew a invisible wall in the narrow opening, sort of like a header, turned the island room connect default back on and was able then to delete the room divider. Thanks to all for the assistance. Toby
  7. Bill- Really? That IS odd! See the attached image of the selection unchecked, saved, closed and reopened and still displaying. Drawzilla- I considered the layer isolation and will do that if it's the only option but I really do hate workarounds....
  8. Thanks Bill but that's not it either, didn't work. Now I have to go learn about "Island Rooms". New to me.
  9. OOPS! I have that disease that has me say there's an attachment in emails and there isn't so it must transfer to forum post as well. I think I have it included this time. The Bay window dimensions worked (thanks!) but the Ceiling Break Line layer did not. When I open it, it says it's a Room Divider wall type. I changed it to a Interior 4 type and still couldn't delete it. As I said, I didn't intentionally create any wall there so... Any other ideas? Toby Hill_Floor Plan-1.plan
  10. I have a plan that is fairly early in development (attached) that has a Room Divider wall that I can't seem to delete (I didn't add it as far as I know) and some dimensions on a Bay Window that won't delete either. I'm using X16 Build: Any help appreciated. Toby