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  1. Thanks George, thats exactly what I need. Would be nice if it could be used on every 4th or 10th or 7th member, but I could use something like that. Does he sell these? Thanks again Scott
  2. That would be a great feature to have ...if I understand correctly. You want to do something like display the second floor and attic layer in one view. I kind of got this done by using the reference layers and changing the colors. Took a bit of time. The reason was because I put some dormers on 2nd floor and some on the attic, I couldn't send one view to the layout that would show all the dormers. Great feature request ....I second the motion Scott
  3. All this time I've manually added labels to framing views. I figured there has to be a way to get chief to automatically add some framing member labels. For instance, on roof framing. labels for valleys, hips, ridge ...common rafters ....something like "2x6 common rafters 16"oc" or some sort of variation. I've googled, watched videos and checked the manuals.... just can't find out how. Running chief x9 Thanks in advance, Scott
  4. Thanks Michael ....I tried it earlier and the macro did not work. Then, I read it again ...and found the small detail "in the wall detail itself" like a charm! Must have wasted 3 hours trying to make that work..... sometimes I think I'm losing my mind Thanks like a charm. Scott
  5. I sent to plan a first floor framing wall plan. The walls are all labeled such as "Wall detail-14" When I highlight that wall and click on the "Open Wall Detail" icon, I get a 2d picture of the framed wall ....which is what I want. When I send that to plan, it IS NOT labeled with the "Wall detail-14" ....but has a label across the bottom ....something like "Wall Layer 4 - Viewed From Outside" it does this on all wall sections. I would like to have the wall labeled with the label from the plan on each section. Any idea how or what I need to do to make this happen ...I spend the last 2 hours screwing around trying to find out how ....could have just typed each on in! Almost forgot...running x9 Build 19.3.1 Thanks in advance Scott
  6. I .....mistyped .Expiration should have been 2018 @Kbird1 @Alaskan_Son Sorry, mistyped the expiration date in 4th post down This is the expiration notice under the license key =================================== I .....mistyped .Expiration should have been 2018
  7. Thank you Alaska Son for the comment. @lbuttery ...thanks Lew, that's really good news. I don't have an option to download x10 in my "Locker" ....only says the x10 is available for a price. But my " x9 support and ssa are good until 7/20/2018 ....guess I'll have to give them a call.....hope you're correct Scott
  8. I've been pretty sick this year, again, I did pay my update fee for x9 and I just noticed that x10 is available. How long has it been available and shouldn't I get the upgrade since my lic doesn't expire until 7/2018? Is the x10 update worth the effort? Thanks for your help Scott
  9. Came here looking for some help, I have x8 working on 2 computers ...tried to install x9 Chief_Architect_Premier- on one....crashed computer, tried to install again ....crashed again, no errors just blue screen or black screen lock up. Didn't want to upgrade in the middle of any projects, really glad I didn't! Read thru the comments and tried a multitude of fixes suggested and at least now it loads, haven't tried to open a project or start a new one. Probably try tomorrow. I have to start with a project created with x8, hopefully that won't create a problem First I uninstalled x8 and x9 with iobit unitstaller pro, rebooted. Next I updated windows, I have win 7. It's actually a fairly new computer, sat in the box for 2 years ....I was sick. After the windows updates I rebooted. Next I used iobits Driver Booster 4.2 I think. I know a lot of people don't like these types of programs, I've had pretty good luck with them. I always create a restore point before doing any changes. I also used CCleaner Pro, did a cleaner scan and registry scan. I applied the changes. Rebooted again. X9 now loads, not sure how well it works ...but will find out soon So bascially I did the following: 1. tried to install and open x9.... failed 2 or 3 times 2. deleted x8 & x9 using iobit uninstaller pro, used the deep scan to get rid of hiding registry and other files 3. downloaded and installed a lot of Windows Upgrades (should have done that a while agao) 4. ran ccleaner pro 5. ran iobit drive booster and downloaded and installed quite a few new drivers .....thinking this might have been the problem 6. rebooted after running each application 7. installed x9 again and it worked. I don't know if anyone has been using Iobit apps, I've had some pretty good luck with them. They have something called Advanced System Care..... which I did not use in trying to get my x9 running. Most of their apps can be had for between 20 and 30 dollars, you can install on 3 computers, but you have to look for the deals, generally that means you can install a trial version or a slimmed down version and they will send you offers, watch for 3 for 1 deals. Again, I know if you are a very hardward/software knowledgable'll say this stuff is junk, stay away from it. All I can say is they have really helped me, especially the drivers and uninstall app. The uninstall app works much bettter than Revo Uninstaller and can't be compared to the uninstalled that comes with windows. I'm running this on Dell Inc. XPS 8500 Bus Clock 100megahertz 12 mg ram 1.8 gigs of free disk space 3.4 gigahertz intel core i7-3770 64 bit 4 core hyper-thread (8 total) AMD Radeon HD 7770 2 GB GDDR5 Just want to say, I've got 5 or so of these old beasts laying around that I use pretty much every day, the newst is a laptop with win 8. I've used the above procedure to try and fix things and every now and then .....things are worse Not for the faint hearted, I'm not a software or hardware genius. Just know a few things from trying stuff out. I always try to have a current backup ... using Acronis to backup now. When I mess things up totally I will try to do a "system restore" but in more cases than not 'system restore' DOES NOT WORK!! So, over the years....I've learned that it really doesn't help to throw the computer out the window and if the thing is 3 years old ....most of mine are 5 years or more ....its ready to die. If you have backups just do a clean install of your operating system. Finally someone before you throw the thing out the window ....maybe you can trade some plans for a new puter or getting some techie to fix your problems. There are a lot of one man bands out there that will come to your house or office and get you up and running in no time. You can't know everything ...just remember that One more thing....since I'm often broke (been really sick) ....talking to the guys on the floor in a place like best buy often turns up some pretty good geeks and they are usually very affordable. Just trying to help Scott
  10. Wow.....those are great workarounds. Thanks again. gonna try both those ideas just to see how they work. Really like that "gang" method, but need to see how Jerry's idea works. You'd think I might be a little better at this, started with version 7 .....must have been around 2000 or so. Anxious to see x9, I don't dare upgrade in the middle of this project though luck hasn't been too good with upgrading software. Thanks again guys, really appreciate your help !!!!
  11. Ok, I got it! Thanks for your help. Would be really nice if they could do something so we can manipulate the stringers, I don't know if there is any difference between interior and exterior stairs in that regard. I can put my symbol or pline on 18" centers, but it still leaves the original stringer in the center, can't select that to get rid of it. The stairs are about 8' wide. I'll just work with what you guys said, that should give them what they want to see. Spent wayyyyy too much time on this project, seems the older I get the dumber I become, thought wisdom was suppose to come with age Thanks again !!
  12. Thanks for the tips! In either of your suggestions I can't seem to get a camera view that allows me to select the components of the stairway. All I can get is the big dialog box which really doesn't help since there is no section for stringer specs. Thanks anyway
  13. County wants to see min spacing for stringers on little deck/entryway for a small house I'm drawing. Been sick for quite a while and haven't done much over the last 5 years or so, can't believe how anal these guys are getting, common sense stuff, they want detail upon detail. I saw that it was a requested feature, didn't know if the new version had it or not. I'll probably just put a notation, hopefully that will pass Thanks for asking!
  14. Anyone know how to specify stringer spacing on some deck stairs, looked everywhere ...can't find defaults and can't see how to change it in the the "exterior stair specification dialog" Running Thanks Scott