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  1. mtldesigns's post in Line weights in PDF showing thicker than in Layout/ Plan was marked as the answer   
    When your in the plan mode or a section view (or even in layout), turn on the "Line Weights" and you should see what it will look like in the layout views.  This way, if they appear to thick or thin, you can adjust accordingly.

  2. mtldesigns's post in Ceiling/Floor Structure. was marked as the answer   
    Did you build your flooring?

  3. mtldesigns's post in Total Area in Chief was marked as the answer   
    See if this helps

  4. mtldesigns's post in Different floor material areas was marked as the answer   
    Get used to material regions Keara.  A great tool for floors, walls where you have two material areas.
    In this case, go to the Build menu at the top, then to Floor - Material Region
  5. mtldesigns's post in Roof Rafters? was marked as the answer   
    Hey Mark,
    Its been a long day on my end, so I hope I am understanding your question.  Are you trying to get what I showed in the attached??  If so, Roof Plane Specifications, Options> Cut : square

  6. mtldesigns's post in Custom Muntins was marked as the answer   
    a cad block is the key.  I had drawn the new muntin's.. but forgot to covert to a cad block.  Once I did, the icon popped up.
  7. mtldesigns's post in Boxed out exterior wall for windows - Looking for help to resolve some issues was marked as the answer   
    Have your tried putting a shed room over this bump out?  It will have its own roof plane.  I wouldn't pull the wall down either, let it ride free.  When you set a roof plane, right above the windows (as you mentioned), the walls will come down on their own.       
    BTW, cannot open that path.  But that's ok, I don't need the file.