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Posts posted by ladycoralie

  1. 6 hours ago, solver said:

    How about a hip roof?








    I really like this style Solver, but I can't figure out how you did the porch and the right hand side with the stepped down roof. (I'm not sure what to call it) If you have the plan, would you mind posting it for me so I can see how it's done please? Thanks.

  2. On 05/08/2017 at 2:47 AM, Richard_Morrison said:

    No, you should NOT have thought of this one. Unlike Glenn's, It has roofs draining into walls which will need a bunch of crickets to deal with, and the framing will get very expensive, in addition to not looking good. You may want to consider whether this overall design direction of many little gables on a large house is serving you well. 


    Thanks Richard. I will try and copy Glenn's design. I didn't understand about the crickets and looked them up because I didn't know what they were. I will have a go at the auto roof tool again, but I'm real worried that a lot of my work will disappear. Thanks for the advice.

  3. 4 hours ago, glennw said:

    A bit of tweaking and an auto roof build will get you out of a LOT of trouble.

    This one took 1 minute to do.

    A little more time could give you want you want and avoid all those roof problems you have at present.


    New Image_223.jpg

    I always have problems with the auto roof tool. I often check retain manual roofs but they still disappear. I must be doing something wrong. Can you explain how you used the auto roof tool in this instance please? thanks.

  4. Hi Guys. I have this weird section on my roof that snakes between a couple of gables. I'm not really sure what to do with it. I've tried using one roof plane and editing it to fit all the corners, but it doesn't seem to work, so I have tried to join a couple of flat ones, but that still isn't working properly. does anyone have any ideas about what to do in a situation like this?



    Mountain Starx8.plan

    Mountain Star roof.jpg

  5. 23 minutes ago, Mark3D said:

    just be patient there are lot smarter users than me they will have a better idea 


    Hey Mark3D. It's not you, it's me. I don't understand a lot of building concepts. It takes me a while to fully comprehend. I'm just not the sharpest tool in the shed. :P I'm really struggling trying to aliggn the walls in this model too. I can't figure out why they won't align properly in parts.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Mark3D said:

    Brick ledge is for monolithic slab so the outside brick skin goes below the floor suface like one or two bricks or more if needed it take the bricks down to ground level

    I'm struggling to understand this but I'm trying. Do you have any idea why it was only the front 2 walls affected and none of the others? It's really weird.

  7. 1 hour ago, Mark3D said:

    White bleed thru I fixed it by changing the brick ledge step down in wall type define dialog  from 48 to  0 not  sure if that is a problem in other area but it fixed it


    Hi Mark3D,


    I just got back from the shops and went through all of your steps. I changed the brick ledge to 0 as you said and it has solved it. I don't know what a brick ledge is. What is it? I would never have thought to even look at that. Thanks for your help.

  8. Hello. I have taken a Perspective Overview of my plan and there is a line showing up between the 1st and 2nd floors at the front of my building. Almost like a gap, but not quite. I'm not sure what it is. Does anyone know what it is and how to get rid of it please?



    Mountain Star.plan

  9. 7 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:

    Yes that looks great except that it is metric so hit copy and change the name and then change the 90mm to something like 140mm if that is what you can buy there for studding.


    Cheers and thanks. You beat me to the conversion. This is what I was after. :)

  10. 5 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:

    Typically the interior 4 will have a 3 1/2" framing layer so make a copy of that and call it interior 6 with a 5 1/2" framing layer.


    Hi Chopsaw, I changed the fir framing to 140 mm the closest to 51/2" I could do as 139.7 gets rounded up. Thanks a lot mate.

  11. Hey that worked Chopsaw. Thankyou so much. The roof looks really good on that section now and my room looks really pretty too. I changed the rafter size and the ceiling now meets the walls properly. It looks really good and I'm pretty excited by it. Thanks for teaching me something new. I can now try to apply it to the rest of the roofs when I make them.


    Many thanks again, Chopsaw. :D


  12. Thanks for your help Chopsaw. I have made a new roof and added some little dormers, but didn't change the rafters on the little gable section because those walls are with siding. From the outside it looks fine, but inside there are problems where the ceiling and roof meet. Is that because of the rafters, the dormers or something else? I'm just popping out to the shops, so if you don't hear from me for a little bit, that is why. Thanks again. You've been a big help to me. :)

  13. Thanks Chopsaw. I went and had a look at the dbx as suggested. Is that what I have to do when building in ICF to all walls? I didn't know about that. What happens if one wall is ICF and the other is siding?


    With the sig, I'l just put in X8?

  14. 1 hour ago, Chopsaw said:

    It appears as the top of that wall was edited in 3D or altered in some other way.  Select the wall, open the DBX and go to the Structure tab and under Default wall Heights select Default Wall Top Height.  Done :D


    Any other issues you need help with while the plan is open?


    Hi Chopsaw. It didn't seem to work for me changing the default wall height in the DBX. In the end I decded to change the little gable roof to a shed roof and deleted the attic walls. That worked. The inside walls now meet the roof properly. I would have liked to have kept the little gable roof as I thought it looked pretty, but I couldn't figure it out without the wall popping through the roof. Thanks for you help. :)

    roof 2.jpg