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Status Updates posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Hi Jason,

    Seven years ago you provided me with an NVP that I needed.  As I recall it only took you about a half hour.

    I have been requesting the following for several years but haven't received any response other than it's been logged in Chief's database:

    • x_position, y_position & angle for Construction lines so I can automate the Callout Labels.
    • x_position, y_position for Layout Boxes so I can automate the Callout Labels.

    I would greatly appreciate it if you could get these added for me.  I know that Michahel has also made similar requests but his been for "all objects" which I don't necessarily think are needed.

    Thanks for considering this.

    vty, Joe Carrick

    ps:  Both of us have also requested that Chief's Global macros be made to return editable strings.

  2. Hi Jason,

    I checked with several other users in both the Advanced II and Advanced I classes about Skylights.

    We're quite happy with the 2D dimensional representation and the ability to specify the "On Plane Size" that was demoed at the UGM.  However, we don't field build the actual skylights.  Typically, we specify a "Velux" skylight or another brand that has a built-in curb & flashing.  Some of these are able to be used as "Egress" and some even have built-in shades.

    It would be great if we could have "Skylight Symbols - Flush Mounted" that would have the R.O. size for the hole in the roof that Chief would then use to create the "Roof Hole, Shaft and Ceiling Hole".  It should work similarly to the current "Window Symbols" that cut the hole in the Wall.

    ps:  Please note that the "Window Symbols" tool has some bugs that Brian knows about.  Those need to be fixed but essentially the concept is very similar.

    vty, Joe Carrick

    1. Joe_Carrick


      FWIW, In the Bonus Library there are Skylight Symbols.  Just about any of these could be used as the Symbol for the Skylight Tool. 

      The hole would be the size of the symbol minus 2x the Frame/Curb Thickness/Width. 

      The height above the Roof would be the Frame/Curb Height minus 1".

      The "Skylight" would not have the following materials:

      • Skylight Frame
      • Skylight Glass

      or they could simply be "No Material" since the "Symbol" would contain it's own materials.

      In some cases manufactured Skylights have built-in curbs and flashing.  In that case, the "Skylight Frame/Curb" would need to be suppressed and the height above the Roof would be 0.

      I would still like to have a catalog of "Velux" Skylights.  I'll see if I can contact Velus and get a contact for the Content Team.



  3. Hi Jason,

    I sent an email to Brian with some comments about the "Project System" proposed for X15 and some comments about "Ruby" and "TMM".  I asked him to forward it to you as well as to Chris TenBrink and Natalie. 

    I don't have your email addresses and I've not had much luck attaching external files to the PMs.

    IAE, I hope the comments will help.  

    vty, Joe Carrick

  4. Good morning Doug,

    I just need your email address.  I don't like to send these things thru the Forum PM system.

    1. Doug_N


      Hi Joe, sorry but I didn't see your post.  My email address is  It is in my signature as well.

  5. Hi Joey,

    Import the attached file using Text Macro Management.  Then just put the macro %opening_plan_label_rich% in your door and window default labels.

    hth - enjoy

    Openiing Labels for Joey Martin

    1. joey_martin


      Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.

    2. joey_martin


      That looks like the same one I already have and have tried to use. It adds an extra foot to the door heights. Shows doors as 3'0"x7'8"