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Posts posted by Bob-Roraback

  1. I wonder if the moderators could program in a function that would pop up a statement saying something like

    "this forum is not for asking questions" before allowing somebody to post in this sub forum.  This could be such a valuable area if used properly. Just an idea


    Hi Patrick, I used to produce HO scale models myself using Chief Architect. I would build the model full size and use the export feature to send a scaled down elevation cad file to a laser cutting service and they would cut the building walls out of basswood stock 1/16" thick. 

            1. Build your building full scale.

            2. Create an elevation of each side of the building.

            3. In each elevation create a "cad detail from view".

            4. Open each cad detail and go to EDIT, SELECT ALL then go to the TRANSFORM/ REPLICATE tool and check

    the box that say's RESIZE and enter .0149 which is 1/87th of 1. Your elevation will seem to vanish but just hit the F6 key and it will be back. What you now have is a perfectly scaled elevation that you can send to a layout at a 1" = 1" scale and print.


  3. When using Chief Architect and exporting the thermal envelope data for use in Res-check the amount of ceiling area is reduced each time you add an interior wall.

    I believe that this is incorrect and that an interior wall should have no bearing on the amount of ceiling area calculated for the thermal envelope. 

    I wanted to ask others opinion on this before reporting to tech support.

    Proper calculation of the thermal envelope has become much more critical as Connecticut has adopted the 2021 IECC.

    Opinions would be appreciated. Thanks, Bob

  4. Michael's example gives me the top and bottom height of the wall. What I want is the length of the studs plus the plates.

    In the plan I am trying to annotate I have three different floor and ceiling levels on floor 1. I want to show the height of the framed walls in each area on the wall framing plan.

    When the top of the subfloor is at "0" elevation the %wall.top_elevation% macro works perfectly to show that but when the top of the subfloor is at say 24" I would need a way to subtract 

    the %wall.bottom_elevation% from the %wall.top_elevation% to get the framed wall height I am thinking. Can anyone show me how to arrange a macro that would do that. Thanks for any help, Bob

  5. I need a macro that I can attach to a given wall with an arrow that will display the height of the wall. (not the elevation )

    The existing macro for ceiling height will not work in this instance because the room has different height walls.

    Does anyone have a macro that they are willing to share or can somebody point me in the right direction for what I need please. Thanks, Bob

  6. Just a word of caution. When I upgraded to X13 I too thought that real time ray tracing was something I could do without but learned quickly that I could not even do a cross section or see library previews with the video card that I had. The only thing that would function was floor plans. No 3d views of any kind, perspective or orthographic. I would download the trial before upgrading to see if you have the same results.