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  1. Hi, Could I call you to discuss my project/ What contact number is best for you?


    1. emac60


      Hi, sorry i had logged back out yesterday. 

      My cellphone is 207-944-8559

      text me there, and we can set up a time to talk. I am on EST fyi, not that it really matters except to be clear on what time we actually connect. I am available this evening from 5pm EST to 8pm EST. Tomorrow anytime will work, just text me first to verify.

      thanks so much, looking forward to hearing more about your project.

      Ed McCurdy 


  2. Hi, I am looking for a drafter to layout a two story house in California. I can do the basic layout but don't have a lot of experience with two story plans and elevations. Please reach out to me if you are interested. Would like to start asap. I am still using X9 but can purchase X14 if that helps you out. Thank you, Susan