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About luckyudesign

  • Birthday 07/31/1982

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  1. this method had actually rolled through my mind but I thought surely there was an easier way I didn't know about...... but doesn't look like it..... This is a funky little guest house that was supposedly bought at the New York World Fair.....
  2. I need to draw a remodel for this building. Can anyone help me figure out how to draw the sloped walls?
  3. And adding anything to the ceiling finish layer just makes it worse because it is still framing for a 10' ceiling.
  4. So how this will be framed is the floor joist will cantilever over the 10' wall. In the real life scenario I'm working with it's a couple dormers that line up with some bay windows on the porch. The porch framing will be at 9' and will run into and and under the floor joist. The biggest problem I'm having is how it affects the front view of the house.
  5. Typical situation: roof sits on porch beam set at 9' ceiling but main house ceiling is raised to 10'. A dormer on the 2nd floor protrudes out over the porch area a bit and instantly the porch ceiling changes to 10'. How do you maintain a 9' porch ceiling in these situations? Porch Ceiling Question.plan
  6. Think I got it, slab height was slightly different. Once I made them the same, it got rid of the post
  7. I know I can make the wall invisible and manually place my post but is there a way to do this automatically and not have post here? or at the very least, 1 instead of 2?
  8. Thankyou. I had done a search and did not see this thread. I'll give that a try
  9. I have a simple cad drawing I put together for a guy to use on a webpage. He is needing the individual blocks out of it but plans to crop them out of the pdf. What do I do to get rid of the the triangle lines when I export it? Conference Layout Red.pdf Conference Layout.plan
  10. thank you. I thought about making it like Eric suggested with an arched door and modified window for a sidelight but there is no way to make the bottom frame of window a panel. I also know I can make a full symbol but this job doesn't really pay to go through that effort and time. Just thought maybe someone would know of a symbol that was already out there that would work. I was able to put this one together with little effort but obviously the arch needs some work..........
  11. Does anyone know where I can find a symbol similar to this?
  12. Thank you, Ryan. In all my years using Chief, I have never played around with the Reference Display. I will see what I can do
  13. How do y'all show the difference between an addition and existing structure on your plans? I realize if I was printing in color I could just change all the materials on the existing to a grey lines to lighten them up but that seems like a lot of work. Just wondering if there is an easy way that y'all have found that works. This would both be in elevations and perspective overviews.
  14. ok, attached is the sample plan I recreated the problem in. Thank you, alaskansons, for pointing that out. I knew that but was in a hurry when I tried to upload that yesterday evening and guess I didn't close out the program first and didn't try the file before I sent it. Now, on Ryans question about the manual manipulation of the wall. In this sample plan, as you can see in the short video, the wall I start with is not manually edited. I simply drew a wall under the stairs. That gave me a short cutout in the manual ceiling above. But, as I show in the video, if I manually pull the top of the wall down, it instantly makes a cutout in the ceiling the full length of the wall. When I change the wall to a railing, it gets rid of all the cutout. Yes, that is a manually drawn dormer alcove. I guess I didn't know this style could even be drawn automatically. I try not to spend a lot of time on getting 3d just perfect as it is not my bread and butter but I am always wanting to improve. on the stairs, those are timber treads so won't be built with traditional stringers. The timbers will sit on the walls. This is the pic my client sent me. That 1 tread that is closest above the door may need some steel or other reinforcement or be plowed out to fit over the door header being there is not a lot of room between it and the top of the door. Ceiling Example Plan.plan