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  1. Hi Mark! Have you been able to find adequate help with this? (509)509-5597 Call me if you are still looking! ERIKA COOK - PORTFOLIO 2023.pdf
  2. Hi Andy, I called this morning and left a voicemail. I would love to set up a call to discuss how we could take this off your plate! We can be on site for measures. Give me a call if this is something you are still needing help with! (509)509-5597. ERIKA COOK - PORTFOLIO 2023.pdf
  3. Hi Bill! My name is Erika, I own JJZ Home Design. I created my company from being in the shoes of the stretched thin designers and builders, I desperately wanted to help. If only I could clone myself and get it all done quicker.... eekkk.... born out of need, left and right I was on a mission to make a difference, to provide a service that provided needed relief. Just under three years ago was the beginning of the hardest journey of my life, business ownership.. I am doing the best I can everyday and push myself to higher standards and smarter processes. Please, let me know how we can help help you, I have a team with multiple areas of expertise and we are ready and eager to get started! ERIKA COOK - PORTFOLIO 2023.pdf
  4. JJZ Home Design Specializes in work with industry professionals to take the drafting load off designers. We can do all phases of the planning process from napkin sketch to full custom 3D model including every material and finish, custom lighting models, custom furniture models, 3D visualization, renderings, videos, 3D walk-throughs, Blueprints, remodels, as-builts, measures, MEP Packets and much more!
  5. I own JJZ Home Design and we specialize in this exactly! We are set up for remote support and only have a select amount of clients, we get you moving and then it is reach out as you need help. If this interests you please email me! erika@jjzhomedesign.com ERIKA COOK - PORTFOLIO 2023.pdf
  6. Hello I am Erika. Don't let the title Interior Designer fool you, I have a background in residential blueprints, roof design, MEP plans in addition to all of my interior design training and years in the industry. Since I have both backgrounds while designing a home I also am planning for the "Interiors" and functionality of the space, which I know often gets overlooked. I am available for remote Chief Architect work, open to in person here and there if in the Northern Idaho area. I have an array of experience and flex to your processes. I have a server setup for easy file sharing directly on your desktop so you have access to your files anytime you need them! The majority of my clientele has been Builders, Architects, and Interior Designers. I am here to help free up some of the internal work load day to day. Email me if you have been bogged down or just need to simplify your processes, I can help! Thanks, Erika Cook www.jjzhomedesign.com https://www.facebook.com/jjzhomedesign/ www.tiktok.com/@jjzhomedesign ERIKA COOK - PORTFOLIO 23.pdf Erika Cook - Certified Professional X15.pdf
  7. Hi Jeremy, I just sent ya a text. I have been using Chief since X14 with an Interior Design Degree and lots of experience in Residential blueprints, 3D rendering, Space planning, training and team uniformity. If you are interested please reach out at erika@jjzhomedesign.com Thanks, Erika Cook www.jjzhomedesign.com https://www.facebook.com/jjzhomedesign/ https://www.tiktok.com/@jjzhomedesign Erika Cook - Certified Professional.pdf ERIKA COOK - PORTFOLIO 23.pdf
  8. Hello Hello! I can definitely assist you with this! I have been helping design firms and builders remotely over the past 2 years. I have decided to bring on 1 more client, attached is my portfolio compressed so it is not as clear as usual. Take a look and let me know if there is anything more specific you would like to see. You can always email me at erika@jjzhomedesign.com if you'd like to set up a call to chat about how I could help you! I am a certified Chief Architect Certified Professional so pretty well versed depending on your needs! ERIKA COOK - PORTFOLIO 2023.pdf
  9. Hi JWH Designs, Yes I would love to connect and talk about your design needs. If you would email me at erika@jjzhomedesign.com we can discuss further about how I can help you. Thanks for reaching out!
  10. Hi Chad! Yes I would love to hear about the project details. If you would like to email me with some more information we can set up a time to chat. Thanks, Erika Cook
  11. Please email me at: erika@jjzhomedesign.com with current file and what you need help with. I then can get you a quote. Thanks for your inquiry!
  12. Attached is my portfolio, I have done modern designs but it's not reflected in my portfolio. If you would like a quote I can get that put together for you. My email address is erika@jjzhomedesign.com ERIKA COOK - PORTFOLIO 2022.pdf
  13. I'm a Chief Architect user of 8+ years, I am offering services. Currently using X13. Please see my attached portfolio and reach out if you need any help! ERIKA COOK - PORTFOLIO 2022.pdf