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About sandimc1n

  • Birthday April 6

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    3D Rendering and Web Design

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  1. Problem Solved The problem ended up being old material images from previous CA versions. I used these materials in my trim and they appeared empty or Blank. Once I changed the material to one from the more recent version it worked fine.
  2. I am available to help you with this. Message me here for further contact info if you are interested in my services. Recent project
  3. I use Lumion with Chief and here is a sample of what I have managed to achieve, I do all my work in chief and then complete it in Lumion.
  4. I switched to my old Nvidia 1070 and I had the exact same issue. So it’s Not the card. I originally switched to Radeon due to a problem with my Nvidia card flashing all the time. That was over 6 months ago and the Radeon worked fine up until I installed chief X12 over my X11 about a week ago. The plan in reference was originally started in x11 and worked fine. Anyway I doubt its the cards.. Neither card. There is no problem with the renderings. They come out good. It’s in tcamera overview that shows certain materials as transparent, and only for some materials.
  5. Hi Mick That image above is a rendered image and the pixilating is only visible in "overview camera views" and also on some of the material swatches see previous images. The pixilating does not show up when I render it. ? The rendering above was done with the nvidea 1070 card but that card flickers so I replaced it with the Radeon. Here is a sample of the materials with when rotated you will see these. It will look solid and ok until you rotate it and the other 2 images show what I see when I rotate the square. that is the same thing with the overview.. its solid till I rotate it. It does this with both cards!
  6. Update.. I contacted Radeon and they suggested I remove the card.. which I did and I then installed my old Nvidia 1070 and I am having the same problem, so It is not the video card. I also started on a new plan and that one is having the same issue.. I'm stuck and this issue is very annoying. It is Interesting that when I render it, the image is just fine and does not show any pixelating.. I think my next option is to reinstall chief and see if that fixes the issue. I will update if that fixes it.
  7. Thank you for trying.. I am going to contact my card provider next. I had a windows update, that might be something to rollback..
  8. Thank you for trying.. I am going to contact my card provider next. I had a windows update, that might be something to rollback..
  9. The material view from X11 looks ok, mystery deepens...
  10. Chopsaw I opened an old dwg because I cannot open the current in an older version.. so now it is messed up in X11 .. the image below is from x11
  11. Sorry I did just open it.. I used the word import loosely.
  12. Thanks Chopsaw, I tried the material update and I am still having the issue.. All the colors seem to be affected by this video issue?? The strange thing is that it was working fine in CHief X11 this is my 1st run with it and I imported the X11 dwg to the X12 and this is what I am dealing with now..
  13. I have updated the drivers several times.. just to be sure
  14. I am having a problem in X12 with my overview camera,. This is a new install and everything worked great in X11??? My image is pix-elated and I am not sure if its the program video or my video card. I have a Radeon Pro 7100 and 32 GB Ram so I should be ok.. However I cannot seem to find the problem. I manipulated all the options in Preferences : Renders settings and that did not fix, I played around with options in my card preferences as well, but too many to understand what they all mean. I have uploaded an image of my view and its not good.. Hope someone out there recognizes this and can help me out.. It seems to be affecting the white trim but also when I look at my material options they are also not solid? Intel Core i7 7700 @ 3.60GHz 32.0GB Dual-Channel @1196MHZ Radeon Pro WX 7100 Graphics with 8GB of GDDR5 memory 1TB TOSHIBA Samsung SSD 1TB Seagate