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Everything posted by JiAngelo

  1. Does anyone know if it is possible to change the angle of the automatic isometric views generated for the 8 locations? (both Top and Bottom - Front-Right, Front-Left, Rear-Right, & Rear-Left views - the buttons are located under the 3D Menu.) The current angle appears to be about 45 degrees above looking down and I'm guessing about 15 degrees above is the views I actually use (meaning the 8 buttons are useless unless I can pre-set the angle to something I'd actually use. Thanks. John.
  2. Thanks Joe. Splitting out Steps 3 & 4 did the trick. I kept trying to do all of them at once and it didn't occur to me to try mulling to a mulled unit, which comports with Chief's horizontal or vertical requirement when mulling. Glenn, I was doing it wrong (see above). As a result, selecting all was saving 4 separate units to the library. Copying from another plan would have required opening an elevation to ensure I'm selecting all the entryway units. Too many steps. FYI - I made them all out of doors, including the transom. It now shows up on the door schedule as a 5482MU. Very nice. Thanks again.
  3. Most of our plans use a 6 panel front entry door with 2 sidelites and a rectangular transom. Too often, clients are getting hung up on the Panel Sidelites, which look like leaded glass. (see the core catalog door styles under Doors & Doorways > Entryways > With Transoms > Rectangular) I know its silly, since our spec's and models the clients tour all have panel sidelites & transoms, but some clients press it and I'm forced to draw 3 doors, (2) 1' glass doors flanking a 36" entry door. I then have to remove the hardware on the door sidelites, close them, then add a window above and center it across the door units. Because the window above isn't on the same plane as the doors, CA won't let me make this a mulled unit, or save it to the Library as a unit. Under Elliptical Transoms and Without Transoms, there are "Grid Side Lite" options, but then I'm still forced to draw a window above the door and make it a transom. I'd prefer something I can just drag and drop. Oddly enough, the interior view of the stock Catalog doors would work (see attached examples of the 5480 Rectangular Transom Entryways.) I've also attached a picture of what I'm forced to repetitively create on every new plan. Any ideas that would save me time would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Nevermind. Finally found it under General Plan Defaults. Persistence pays...
  5. For the life of me, I can't find the setting in X6 to turn off the dialog "Do you want to delete the selected object(s)?" that comes up every time I try to delete an object. I've scanned the "Default Settings" and "Preferences", the knowledge base and both forums. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Making many changes to a plan and this added step is slowing me down. John.