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  1. I'm thinking that this could be but it seems that similar sections still don't select...the plan is in the abov link.
  3. The Custmer wants to change roof and fascia colors and short of touching each and every section of roof and fascia why can't I just select ALL? I can select two or three at a time but not more than about 3...this seems ridicluous!
  4. Hated to bother Chief Tech Support but they came through! Needed to "uncheck" Brick Ledeges of all crazy things!
  5. Awesome, thanks SNester, you 'da man...I did look at that tab before and it was set correctly except for the particular offending walls du to the added pony wall width lol! That surely fixe it but I still have remnants (see red areas)...any idea how to make thos go away?
  6. I've been using Chief for decades with virtuallyZERO foundation issues...I upgraded to X16 and the first foundation that I asked it to build dervived from the MF has bizzare added edges that actually changes the width of the foundation walls (see example, MF is 24' wide but foundation added 4-7/8"!!!). What am I missing in trying to comphrehend this? The monster sized plan is located here Baseline10-6.plan but doesn't have the foundation yet, you can just ask Chief to build it...there will be some errors but I'm working things one at a time.
  7. For a manually drwan roof they won't join propoerly and yes, heights for both sides are the same! Blue is auto generated, red arrow is where the problem is with manually joine joints.
  8. On this drawing it is, however, my interpretation of the code is 12" from the inner radius is where the walk-line should be measured, not what is shown here at 2''-5"...
  9. I'm trying to help a GC understand this drawing (not mine) because I believe that it is not code compliant...when I try to draw this in Chief it won't allow such a tight radius and when I look at the code, it appears that at the "walking line" which is defined as 12" from inner radius, the tread should be 10" I missing something here?
  10. What exactly are you asking? The term used here in Phoenix for the Molding under the the roof ends is a "rolled soffit". This is made by using a styrofoam molding and stucco applied over it. Here is where you add it in Chief:
  11. Can you please save to Chief X12, I can't read the new file, thanks
  12. Sorry, changed it to Interior Symbol...when I tried Door Symboll it looks like a garage door in the plan view.
  13. Another contribution to this great Commmunity! It took me 1/2 a day to create a Modern Double Entry System for a Client and so here you have it! Enjoy! Since I'm not an Expert at this I couldn't figure out how to create a fuller Symbol with door swing lines or how to add the "Door Opening Surround I used to create a door with exteior and Interior Molding like the finished product has....maybe one of you Experts can Tutor me lol! The top pic shows the door in the wall, the next pic shows the Symbol Exported and the last pic shows what I would like it to look like as a Symbol but couldn't get this view with the door swings. Modern Iron Enrty Doors.calibz